JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 6 Nº 11 (2001)
URI permanente para esta colección
Ítem Solo Metadatos Foro: Balance y perspectivas de la modernización del sector salud(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Tejada de Rivero, DavidThe theme of this forum is "Balance and perspectives of the modernization of the health sector." But, do we have a single concept of what health is and what the sector is? Is the sector the most convenient as a subject of analysis? What is called modernization today? Do we all agree? What elements are required to take stock? Is the term perspectives appropriate or, perhaps, is it better to refer to prospective? Faced with these questions, I have circumscribed my presentation in order to contribute with a frame of reference, because what today the French are calling the Babelization syndrome can happen to us: old concepts with new names, or old names with new concepts, and each one interpreted in a very particular way; which seems like a contradiction in a world that claims to be a communication society. In reality, these are monologues where everyone can be right, because they do not refer to the same thing.Ítem Solo Metadatos Evaluación de campañas publicitarias mediante modelos econométricos: el caso de la campaña de ahorro de energía eléctrica 1995-1998(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Simabuko, LuisEconomic theory indicates that energy consumption is a demand derived from the consumption of electrical appliances from which short-term and long-term demand can be derived. From these two approximations two basic models are derived to estimate the electric power demand of the families.Ítem Solo Metadatos Speed Runner S.A.(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Tateishi, VíctorThe case presents a production company that intends to maintain its distribution and sales policies in a context of recession. In this sense, it is presented for discussion and exchange of ideas. In the middle of the discussion, it would be interesting to be able to differentiate what is a policy decision from what is the real market situation.Ítem Solo Metadatos La vida útil de un activo y política de reemplazo de activos(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Bravo, Sergio; Cueto, DiegoIn evaluating investment projects, an important aspect is the determination of the useful life of assets for their use in topics such as the replacement of assets or the perpetuity of investments. This text aims to develop the concept of "economic useful life of an asset" through definitions and illustrative examples. The detailed annual equivalent cost calculation is established to determine the economic useful life of an asset.Ítem Solo Metadatos International banking: its role in Florida's economy at the outset of the twenty-first century(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Roussakis, Emmanuel; Thomakos, DimitriosOne of the most remarkable economic developments of the 1970s for the State of Florida was its emergence in the international financial world. Florida's economy which until then was essentially relying on tourism agriculture and the construction industry began during the 1970s to gradually acquire a new dimension--international banking. Florida's proximity to Central and South American markets its bilingual population and the promulgation by the state of international banking legislation have all contributed to Miami's emergence--both nationally and internationally--as a specialized Latin American banking center.With international banking a major financial activity its impact is felt throughout the Florida economy. Employment and office expenditures have a direct effect on local income. However the total economic impact of international banking activities on the local economy is even more important when the multiplier effect of all direct and indirect expenditures associated with international banking is factored in. The purpose of this study is to describe the size and composition of international banking activities in Miami and to identify the effects of these activities for Miami-Dade County and more broadly for the Florida economy. To quantify this information a survey was undertaken in February 2000 among banking institutions in Miami-Dade. * Although other financial institutions such as security firms provide international services this survey was limited to commercial banks and Edge Act corporations.Ítem Solo Metadatos Ojo por ojo(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2001-12-30) Tateishi, VíctorCase directed to the logistic administration of a company. It is aimed at discussing the purchasing policy of both the institute and the clinical section.