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Ítem Acceso Abierto Corporation José R. Lindley: Balanced Scorecard implementation(Universidad del Rosario, 2008-05-22) Jáuregui Machuca, Kety Lourdes; Santana Ormeño, Jorge MartínJosé R. Lindley Corporation is one of the most important organizations that operates in the country with a prestigious tradition in the market of sodas trough its leader brand “Inca Kola”. This enterprise has as its main character keeping in the vanguard of the sector, demonstrating a high competitive level in the recent years. With the aim of keeping its leadership, facing successfully the diffi cult environment of the local market and entering international markets, José R. Lindley Corporation has constantly worried about incorporating management philosophies and tools that allow guaranteeing its sustainability in the time with a vision about the future. In this sense, it decided to implement a Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as a tool to measure and improve its productivity and effi ciency, in the framework of its corporative strategy. In other words, the BSC facilitated monitoring the degree of accuracy in the implementation of its strategy. In this context, the case illustrates how the process of the implementation of a BSC in José R. Lindley Corporation was performed, showing the complexity of the process that involved fi nancial resources and an important dedication of the organization, specially those ones who comes from the High Direction and the Information Systems Area to provide technological support. In addition, the case shows how it is possible to translate a strategy into a group of objectives and specifi c measures trough the BSC. Based on the cause-effect relation, it links the objectives with its respective indicators, strategic initiatives and corresponding plans of action.Ítem Acceso Abierto Strategic HR?: a study of the perceived role of HRM departments in Brazil and Peru(Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração, 2009-03-01) Coda, Roberto; Roux Valentini Coelho César, Ana Maria; Bido, Diógenes de Souza; Louffat, EnriqueThis study discusses the perceived role of the Human Resource Management Department and its perceived capacity of outstanding performance by comparing data collected in Brazil and Peru from employees of large organizations as well as participants in MBA programs at renowned schools. The non-probabilistic sample was composed of 416 Brazilian and 90 Peruvian respondents. The results point out that both in Brazil and Peru, the relevance attached to the HRM Department role for contributing to the future success of organizations does not correspond to its current capacity of performance. As such, in these realities the HRM Department has not yet made the qualitative leap that would enable its strategic role in organizations.Ítem Acceso Abierto Financial distress and access to capital in emerging markets(Prague University of Economics and Business, 2010-01-01) Guillén, JorgeIn this paper I study the main determinants of successful reaccess to international capital markets on a set of emerging market countries after a financial crisis. I focus on three components of the reaccess strategy: commitment to pay, ability to pay, and global liquidity. I employ a panel of 49 countries over a nearly 30-year period and apply a simple probit approach to show that, indeed, a sound external position and a sustainable debt profile, accompanied by a favorable global liquidity environment, are the key considerations for creditors considering whether to resume lending.Ítem Acceso Abierto Market orientation at universities: construct and exploratory validation(Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Escuela de Administración y Contaduría Pública, 2010-01-01) Rivera-Camino, Jaime; Molero Ayala, VíctorFaced with a panorama of growing competitiveness in which universities are forced to get resources on their own, the concept of market orientation can be seen as a solution backed by ample literature. However, the existing literature is based principally on the profit-making sector with the publications in the educational field being still scarce. The purpose of our exploratory research is to develop and validate a market orientation measure in a sampling of Spanish universities. The scale integrates and expands the theoretical proposals from previous research; it shows acceptable levels of reliability and validity while allowing the setting-up of future lines of research in the area.Ítem Acceso Abierto Apoyo para desarrollo de carrera de miembros de “familias de doble carrera”(Universidad de Zulia, 2010-03-18) Jáuregui Machuca, Kety; Bejarano Heredia, AlbertoDual-career families, where both spouses seek to develop their own careers, represent thenew social standard. This paper explores the type of support perceived as most relevant to careerdevelopment for a professional member in a dual career family. Quantitative data was compiled us-ing non-probabilistic sampling; the sample consisted of 51 employees belonging to dual-careerfamilies. Results show that organizational support is very relevant to career development, particu-larly in emotional, informational and instrumental dimensions. The second determinant is familysupport, where the emotional dimension was more critical. This study in the Peruvian context coin-cides with the findings of previous studies. Conclusions are that dual-career families perceive or-ganizational support as a priority for their development; therefore, the study proposes that busi-nesses should implement policies related to the emotional, informational and instrumental dimen-sion in their career development plans.Ítem Acceso Abierto ISO standards a potential path for emerging markets: an initial literature review(Virtus Interpress, 2011) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.; Quispe Salguero, JulioNowadays, the companies and financial institutions from emerging markets are looking forward for more space in the international market. They have found several alternatives and one of them is to implement process and procedures in order to be more efficient and offer better conditions to the local and foreign customers. One of these alternatives is to implement internal standards not only following corporate governance policies but also, implementing international standards such as ISO norms. This paper seeks to show the evolution of initial ISOs most frequently used in the financial emerging markets.Ítem Acceso Abierto Using the theory of planned behavior to predict nascent entrepreneurship(Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración, 2011) Serida Nishimura, Jaime; Morales Tristán, OswaldoThis study focuses on the factors that lead individuals to create new ventures. It draws on the social psychology literature and applies the theory of planned behavior to understand and predict nascent entrepreneurship. To test the integrity of this theory in predicting entrepreneurial behavior, this study uses data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) research program in Peru. The findings of the study provide partial support for the theory. Implications of these findings are discussed.Ítem Acceso Abierto On Collusion and Industry Size(CEMA, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2011) Escrihuela-Villar, Marc; Guillén, JorgeIn this paper we investigate the connection between the number of competitors and the sustainability of collusion within the context of a infinitely repeated symmetric Cournot model where only a subset of firms cooperate. We show that, in our model, an increase in the number of cartel firms may increase collusion likelihood by diminishing the negative effects for collusion of the existence of a competitive fringe. Also, we show that an increase in the number of fringe firms makes collusion harder to sustain.Ítem Acceso Abierto Norms and international standards related to reduce risk management: a literature review(Virtus Interpress, 2011) Fuentes, César; Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo R.; Vivanco, EdgarThe current work aims to develop a revision of the literature within the main concepts in the international rules and standards related to risk management in companies. By this way, there will be an analysis of issues such as the COSO - ERM model, an introduction to the ISO 27000 and 31000 standards; and the Project Management according to PMI targeted at risk management.Ítem Acceso Abierto Latin American private pension funds’ vulnerabilities(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Ecónomicas, 2011) Guillén, JorgeIn the last years, we have been witnesses of significant large rates of return in most Latin-American private pension fund institutions (PPF). This outstanding performance of funds can be explained by an economic boom in the region. However, these funds have lately been hampered in some countries, something that contrasts with the successful performance of private pension funds’ returns. We measure management performance with the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique, and test a sample of eight countries in Latin America to determine if there is any vulnerability in the private pension funds. The results are relevant for policy makers and regulators of pension funds.Ítem Acceso Abierto La ley y las prácticas de protección al consumidor en Perú(Centro de Investigación y Docencia Ecónomicas, 2011) Roca, Santiago; Céspedes, EvaThis paper offers a panoramic evaluation of consumer protection in Peru up to the middle of 2010. It describes major consumer protection and related laws and analyzes some of its fundamental constraints in its implementation, basically: the imposition of the criteria of "diligent" consumer, the resistance to observe consumer protection norms related to general and abusive contractual clauses, impunity against junk and garbage goods and dangerous products, abandonment of protection of weights and measures in the market, lack of instruments and laboratories to analyze innocuousness of goods and services, passiveness in procedures and execution of resolutions in the informal sector, lack of sanctions for business exploitative conducts and abusive prices, and the predominance of intellectual property interests above those of the consumers. Surprisingly, the paper finds that there is not a clear mandate and institutional actuation regarding the rectorship authority in overall consumer protection matters but there exists relatively good determination in Lima for the resolution of individual consumer conflicts (this does not happen in most provinces or regions of the country given the lack of an effective decentralization scheme). Administrative justice authorities, however, have no hands to solve cases and procedures speedily and effectively bringing into the table the need for an urgent organizational and administrative restructuring. The paper finally finds that consumer associations play a positive role but need to be strengthened and that there is a need for the creation of a national consumer protection system that should articulate all institutions and actors under the leadership of a proactive consumer protection rectorship authority.Ítem Acceso Abierto La UNCTAD y la promoción internacional de la competencia(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2011) Roca Tavella, SantiagoThrough this article, the author shows us the implications for the protection of Competition, not only from a national level but also at an international level. These implications are based on the work being carried out by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development - UNCtad, although in its origin had various activities, currently it is carrying out activities in favor and promotion of the Competition. In this sense, it should be noted that these activities vary depending on each country, and may be countries without Competition or consumer laws or authorities, countries with Competition laws and authorities that are just beginning, or developing countries with moderate experience, as is our case. This article not only shows us the successes of this body but also its weaknesses, among them on FTAs, where in the case of developing countries there is a lack of support and abandonment in the negotiation. Finally, an interview is conducted with the author about the topics discussed in this article.Ítem Acceso Abierto Un modelo de educación de calidad en economía y dirección de empresas(ESIC, 2011-05-01) Rivera Camino, Jaime; De Juan Vigaray, María D.The literature acknowledges the importance of the education in Economics and Business Administration for the competitiveness of all countries. However, what exactly is educational quality in this discipline has been insufficiently studied. The objective of this paper is to contribute in this area by putting forward a conceptual model to assess and monitor quality in higher education. Our study intends to provide information that is significant to the lecturers and higher education managers that compete in an international knowledge-based economy, and particularly in Europe, and more precisely in Spain, in the European Higher Education Area.Ítem Acceso Abierto Internal labour market as factor in the career success perceived by an engineer(Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, 2011-07-07) Bejarano Heredia, Alberto Ismael; Jáuregui Machuca, Kety LourdesThe phenomenon of the global crisis in both the financial energy sectors as well as the emergence of new technologies companies consider their success or failure depending on the ability to respond quickly to opportunities in their competitive environment. This competitiveness is found especially in the capacity of their technical professionals. On the other hand career is characterized as protean, boundaryless and directed mainly by the individual. Given this scenario, organizations should organize an internal labor market to attract, develop and retain talent. The purpose of this research is to study the impact of internal labour market and subjective career success perceived by engineers in organizations. For the study a survey was conducted via email to 1135 graduates with a response rate of 89.07%. Structural equations were then applied to identify relationships. The results show a positive relationship between internal labour market and subjective career success perceived by engineers working in the organization. The conclusions of the study can help engineers and companies to drive the careers of these knowledge workers as a way to help them to be happier and help their companies to have more dynamic and proactive engineers. At the same time, educational institutions with engineering programs will gain a better understanding of an engineer’s career, and will be able to use this knowledge to review the effectiveness of their educational programs.Ítem Acceso Abierto Alianzas estratégicas: instrumento de negociación y desarrollo sostenible mirado desde la perspectiva de la interculturalidad(Universidad EAN, 2011-08-01) Arbaiza Fermini, LydiaPoverty is a phenomenon which is caused by lack of education and no access to adequate social services, malnutrition, no hygienic conditions and sex discrimination. For this reason, in different countries like Peru, a Social Mining Fund has been created. This organization shows a big potential to become a relevant strategic tool to set the bases for a sustainable development, reducing poverty rates and allowing institutional development. Similarly, this Fund has caused the onset of strategic alliances, which have increased the production of resources, the inclusion of new markets, becoming an essential instrument of intercultural negotiation in the mining sector. In this paper, a new development model is presented based on the three strategies in which the Social Mining Fund can be applied, being sustainable development, poverty rate decrease and institutional development, and at the same time focused on a general axis- an intercultural perspective.Ítem Acceso Abierto El gasto de bolsillo en salud: el caso de Chile, 1997 y 2007(Organización Panamericana de la Salud, 2012) Cid Pedraza, Camilo; Prieto Toledo, LorenaOBJECTIVE: Determine the impact, characteristics, and changes in out-of-pocket health spending of households in Chile in 1997 and 2007. METHODS: A descriptive econometric study was conducted based on household surveys with cross-sectional information on spending in two years 1997 and 2007 for Greater Santiago. The evolution of indicators of per capita household spending by quintile was reviewed. The method proposed by the World Health Organization was used for econometric analysis of the determinants of out-of-pocket spending and catastrophic spending. The Gini indices were also calculated to analyze equity. RESULTS: Out-of-pocket health spending in the households of Greater Santiago increased significantly (39.5% per capita). The ratio of health spending in quintile 5 compared to quintile 1 decreased, but the increase in spending was less in quintile 5. In 2007, out-of-pocket spending was still determined by the presence of risk groups: under 5 years and, although to a lesser extent, over 65 years of age. Catastrophic spending decreased slightly and the presence of older adults continues to increase this risk. The presence of women of childbearing age tends to minimize out-of-pocket spending. CONCLUSIONS: Out-of-pocket health spending in the households is high and has increased. It continues to have a significant influence on inequality. The effects of out-of-pocket spending containment programs such as AUGE are evident, but new financial protection policies that address the problem are needed.Ítem Acceso Abierto A snapshot of training practices in Peru(Universidad ICESI, 2012) Hernández Pozas, Olivia; Jauregui, Kety LourdesOrganizations need well trained employees in order to maintain a competitive advantage. The purpose of this paper is to describe current training practices in Peru and to provide recommendations for improving organizational performance. This paper also aims to set priorities for future research work. Human capital theory and contributions on need assessment, and training planning, implementation and evaluation served as theoretical framework. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory study that used information from surveys conducted in 24 Peru-vian companies. The findings reveal a strong interest in training, particularly with regard to the improvement of competencies, preference for face-to-face training, and the use of reaction evaluation methods. The recommendations include, among others, improving the provisions for internal support, policies, technology, behavioral evaluation, and resources.Ítem Acceso Abierto Emerging markets portfolio creating a Latin American portfolio peruvian case study(David Publisher, 2012) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo. R.; Quispe Salguero, Julio; Berrocal, RenzoThe case study seeks to identify the most important issues encountered in developing a new portfolio in a Latin America country, exploring several alternatives which include not only stock and sovereign bonds but also more sophisticate products such as American Depositary Receipt (ADR) or Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) from emerging countries, and determine what are the risks involved in the process following not only Basil III standards, but also the local best practice recommend by the local regulators. The study at the beginning used historical information (normal distribution formulas) of several equities and bonds (n = 142) and then selected five Peruvian instruments (one of this involved at least 25 equities, N = 5, n = 30) and then other 30 (one of this include an ETF, N = 30, n = 55) in order to determine the best return and risk combination for an emerging market portfolio. Besides, the additional objective is to examine and introduce the reader in some statistics formulas used in finance and risk management. Senior management must evaluate the issues associated with the new portfolio and strategy developed.Ítem Acceso Abierto Relational marketing in mass marketing: theory or actual practice?(Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), 2012) Wakabayashi, José LuisThe relational marketing paradigm, as well as its predecessors, has been rapidly added to marketing management’s lexicon and tool kit. In conjunction with this concept, theoreticians have devised techniques that are essential to make it operative. Paramount among them is the development of the client management process and within it, the use and application of the Customer Lifetime Value concept which is the relational approach’s corner stone, and the present value of future growth is generated by clients In working with clients, this is essential to determine the strategy that will allow the company to reach and/or preserve its competitive advantage. Evidence so far suggests that although companies are prone to adopt the relational marketing paradigm, they still enforce transactional marketing concepts. This may be the consequence of the emerging use of that concept and the Customer Lifetime Value technique in Latin American countries as part of the client management process. The failure to use this concept in dynamic industries, as in mass retail, is a topic of interest for administration sciences and in particular, marketing and this article seeks to draw attention to this fact.Ítem Acceso Abierto Responsabilidad social: un acercamiento a la perspectiva de los ejecutivos peruanos(Universidad del Rosario, 2012-02-01) Jáuregui Machuca, KetyIn recent years the issue of social responsibility is becoming more important, which is reflected in the companies have incorporated it into their agenda of interests. In this sense, the article is intended to make a first approach to the level of implementation efforts, as well as their prospects for the future. We interviewed a total of 144 people representing different economic sectors. We conclude that the majority of executives do not have a clear understanding of the modern concept of RS nor of its benefits, it limits the concept to philanthropy and actions are oriented to the community and environment.