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Ítem Acceso Abierto Absorptive capacity and innovation in low-tech companies in emerging economies(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2018-08-02) Del Carpio, Javier Fernando; Miralles Torner, FrancescInnovation capacity is on the focus of policy makers in emerging economies. Although some studies show the antecedents of innovation capacity for developed economies and high technological industries, scant research outcomes exist for different settings. This study tries to shed some light on the drivers of innovation capacity for low technological companies in emerging economies. Using the absorptive capacity as a driver of technological and non-technological innovation capacity, this study proposes a SEM model to contribute to the literature of innovation capacity including technological and non-technological innovation, and the relationship between them, in low-techonology industries in an emerging economy. A sample of 706 manufacturing companies from Peru is used. The academic contribution of this study states that absorptive capacity favors technological and non-technological innovation capacity and that non-technological innovation affects technological one. Accordingly, managerial contribution suggests improving absorptive capacity levels to internal R&D activities but also to organizational and marketing innovation activities.Ítem Acceso Abierto El acceso a la justicia de las poblaciones indígenas. Una necesidad desde el lenguaje(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2024-06-30) Hurtado, GiovanaIndigenous populations face limitations in understanding the justice system due to linguistic and cultural barriers; therefore, the use of clear and accessible language is essential for them to be able to exercise their rights and participate effectively in judicial processes. Through a documentary review of the problems faced by indigenous populations in accessing justice, the strategies developed by the Peruvian Judiciary are described. It is stated that, despite the existence of regulations and policies that guarantee access to translators and interpreters in the judicial sphere, actions are limited and need to be strengthened. Strategies that remain in place over time are required, and that allow their impact to be measured in order to evaluate their relevance and effectiveness. It concludes that there is a need to develop a linguistic policy focused on justice, which includes incentives - in the training of lawyers from indigenous populations - as a mechanism for preserving indigenous languages. Likewise, the importance of carrying out linguistic planning in the administration of justice is highlighted in order to have operators who speak indigenous languages in each judicial district, specialty and instance.Ítem Acceso Abierto El Acuerdo Nacional como espacio de consenso para la definición de los objetivos de la reforma de salud y establecer políticas de salud en el Perú(Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2016-08-09) Nepo-Linares, Edgardo; Velásquez, AníbalAfter several months of arduous deliberations, the National Agreement, a policy coordination forum highest level in Peru, approved a document entitled “The objectives of health care reform.” In this article it review the work done and the product reached by consensus, which includes as priorities, among others, strengthening of SIS like public insurance, implementation of a policy of multi-year investment, strengthening the protection of health rights outlined, strengthening the primary health care and improving access to safe and effective medicines. The effect is an agreement that gives significance to a process that has the character of state policy and defines the framework within which they must develop health policies in the following years.Ítem Acceso Abierto Addressing sustainable rural development with shared value: a Peruvian model from the cacao industry(MDPI, 2021-07-19) Borda, Armando; Morales, Oswaldo; Teegen, Hildy; Rees, Gareth H.; Gonzalez-Perez, Maria AlejandraHere we present a model aimed at contributing to the literature around sustainable supply chains by examining a novel redesign initiative of the chocolate supply chain within the Peruvian cacao (cocoa) industry. Using the Creating Shared Value (CSV) framework, we apply the case study method in examining the Peruvian Cacao Alliance’s experience in redesigning both the stages and relationships within its supply of cacao to the world. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources and analyzed after coding from categories defined in the literature on CSV. The case demonstrates the opportunity to successfully participate in the supply chains of globally recognized, consumer-facing chocolate brands while simultaneously obtaining social, economic and environmental benefits for the rural communities that supply cacao. While addressing both social and business gains remains fairly important for supply chain members, there are several implementation challenges that need to be considered to achieve the goals of CSV strategies in a sustained way. By analyzing the experience of this particular cacao value chain, we are able to offer practical insight on how to more effectively implement the creating shared value approach, thereby illuminating that it is possible for value generated through such supply chains to be more equitably shared. As such, we provide a valuable initial step in better understanding how the CSV concept applies in practice by identifying its boundary conditions for achieving improved cacao supply chain practices and relationships.Ítem Acceso Abierto Administración pública y los principios del derecho administrativo en Perú(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2015-06-17) Rojas, PieroThe Draft Law on Peru’s Public Administration Framework is the first legal instrument that develops the fundamental standards of the organization and functioning of public administration. This piece seeks to reflect and provide critical commentary on how this bill deals legally with the concept of public administration and its main principles governing its operation.Ítem Acceso Abierto Alianzas estratégicas: instrumento de negociación y desarrollo sostenible mirado desde la perspectiva de la interculturalidad(Universidad EAN, 2011-08-01) Arbaiza Fermini, LydiaPoverty is a phenomenon which is caused by lack of education and no access to adequate social services, malnutrition, no hygienic conditions and sex discrimination. For this reason, in different countries like Peru, a Social Mining Fund has been created. This organization shows a big potential to become a relevant strategic tool to set the bases for a sustainable development, reducing poverty rates and allowing institutional development. Similarly, this Fund has caused the onset of strategic alliances, which have increased the production of resources, the inclusion of new markets, becoming an essential instrument of intercultural negotiation in the mining sector. In this paper, a new development model is presented based on the three strategies in which the Social Mining Fund can be applied, being sustainable development, poverty rate decrease and institutional development, and at the same time focused on a general axis- an intercultural perspective.Ítem Acceso Abierto Ameliorative Effect of the Oral Administration of Chuquiraga spinosa in a Murine Model of Breast Cancer Induced with 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)(Pharmacognosy Journal, 2020-05-07) Arroyo-Acevedo, Jorge Luis; Herrera-Calderon, Oscar; Tinco-Jayo, Johnny Aldo; Rojas-Armas, Juan Pedro; Rauf, Abdur; Hañari-Quispe, Renán; Figueroa-Salvador, Linder; Fernández-Guzmán, Victor; Yuli-Posadas, Ricardo ÁngelObjective: To determine the ameliorative effect of the ethanolic extract of Chuquiraga spinosa (ChS) on 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA)-induced breast cancer in rats. Methods: 36 female Holztman rats were divided into 6 groups. I) The negative control group received physiological saline (PS). II) ChS-200 group received 200 mg/kg of ChS. III) DMBA group was induced with DMBA (20 mg/Kg) dissolved in PS and administrated orally for 15 weeks. IV) DMBA + ChS-50 group, V) DMBA + ChS-250 group, and VI) DMBA + ChS-500 group, which received the extract orally for 15 weeks after DMBA induction. All data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnet test was carried out to compare the mean value of different groups Histopathological analysis was evaluated by using Image J software. Results: Hematology showed that the triglyceride level was significantly lowered (P< 0.01) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level was significantly increased (P <0.01) in groups III, IV and V. Also, ChS extract significantly lowered the C reactive protein (CRP) level (P <0.01) and malondialdehyde level (P<0.05). There was a significant decrease in the frequency of DMBA-induced micronucleated polychromatic erythrocyte (P<0.01). Conclusions: Chuquiraga spinosa showed an ameliorative effect on DMBA-induced breast cancer in rats as well as antioxidant, antitumor and antigenotoxic properties.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis cualitativo de los determinantes de la innovación en una economía emergente(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana de Ecuador, 2019-03-28) Del Carpio-Gallegos, Javier Fernando; Miralles, FrancescManufacturing companies strive to be innovative and thus competitive. These companies are very important in an emerging economy due to its contribution to a country’s gross domestic product and the generation of jobs. Therefore, the objective is to identify what are the internal and external factors that improve the innovation capacity of Peruvian manufacturing companies and, in turn, favor their competitiveness. A qualitative approach was applied based on the Glaser six-C model, which is part of the grounded theory, and the managers of the Peruvian manufacturing companies were interviewed. From the analysis and processing of this data with Atlas ti qualitative analysis software, it was found that suppliers and customers provide valuable information to innovate, and that the application of the design and the acquisition of machinery favor the innovations of these companies. To that extent, this qualitative study contributes to identify those factors that help Peruvian manufacturing companies improve their innovation capacity. Thus, manufacturing companies’ managers must identify those factors that favor the implementation of innovations and, in this way, will make their companies more competitive.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis del desempeño innovador de las empresas de servicios intensivos del conocimiento(CEIPA, 2024-06-25) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier FernandoObjective. To evaluate the relationship between information sources and absorptive capacity and how this capacity improves a company's innovative performance. Methodology. The study presents evidence based on a sample of 212 Peruvian P-ESICs and 355 T-ESICs. The research applied a structural equation model approach using the AMOS software; while the PROCESS software was used for the mediation analysis. Results. It was found that when ESICs are exposed to internal, market, institutional, and other sources of information, they are in a better position to develop innovations. However, this condition is not sufficient, since it is necessary to develop dynamic capacity (called absorptive capacity). Conclusions. This study contributes to a better understanding of the innovative behavior of ESICs in an emerging economy such as Peru, since it takes into account that emerging economies have different characteristics than more developed economies. It was also verified that absorptive capacity does not mediate the relationship between information sources and innovative performance in the two groups of ESIC companies analyzed.Ítem Acceso Abierto Análisis del Modelo Z de Altman en el mercado peruano(Universidad del Rosario, 2014-12-08) Lizarzaburu, Edmundo R.The research that gives rise to this article intends to provide in depth knowledge on the operation, precision, accuracy, and veracity of Altman Z-score and also to determine if it can be effective and adaptable to the conditions of a specific context such as the Peruvian market. In this vein, financial statements from 2008 and 2012 of those companies that are part of the Selective Index of the Lima Stock Exchange (isbvl) which, in the end are the most representative of the Peruvian Stock Market, are analyzed. Companies are analyzed in terms of Altman Z-score. The analysis is focused on the assessment of financial ratios which indicate the fundamental behavior of a company. It is noted that the interpretation of these ratios depends on the context and is not just numerical. It is also related to the behavior itself of the assessed companyÍtem Acceso Abierto Analizando la innovación comercial en las empresas peruanas de manufactura de menor intensidad tecnológica(Fundación Getulio Vargas, Escuela de Administración de Empresas de São Paulo, 2020-07-03) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando; Miralles, FrancescNon-technological innovation, including organizational and marketing innovation, has attracted substantial interest from researchers. The present study focuses on how external sources of knowledge relate to product, organizational, and marketing innovation, as well as analyzing how product and organizational innovation mediate the relationship between external sources of knowledge and marketing innovation. Current studies on marketing innovation do not present its real impact and importance for manufacturing companies. Using data from 557 Peruvian manufacturing companies that possess lower technological intensity, a model of partial structural equations was applied. The results show that external sources of market knowledge are related to product and organizational innovation. Managers should promote product innovations that favor the development of marketing innovations in the company.Ítem Acceso Abierto Analyzing technological innovation in low and medium-low tech peruvian manufacturing companies(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2019-06-13) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando; Miralles, FrancescGreater attention should be given to low- and medium-low- tech companies in emerging countries because they contribute a significant share of GDP and employment in their economies. However, innovation practices of these companies have not taken yet the attention of innovation scholars. This article proposes a model to study how absorptive capacity, perceived impact of information sources and expenditure in acquisition of technology are associated with technological innovation practices in Peruvian low- and medium-low-tech manufacturing companies. A sample of 856 manufacturing companies of low- and medium-low- tech was obtained from the first National Survey of Innovation in the Manufacturing Industry carried out in 2012. A SEM model is proposed and has been analyzed using a partial least squares approach. Our study reveals that absorptive capacity is associated to improve technological innovation, that perceived impact of information sources are important for absorptive capacity and that greater importance should be given to the acquisition of technology: machinery, hardware and software.Ítem Acceso Abierto Analyzing the medium-low and low-technology firms’ innovative behavior in an emerging economy(CEIPA Business School, 2020-07-27) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando; Miralles, Francesc; Soria Gómez, Eduardo JavierObjetive. Design a model that shows what factors favor the development of technological innovation in manufacturing companies of medium-low and low technological intensity. Methodology. A sample of 1106 manufacturing companies that participated in the innovation surveys in 2012 and 2015 was used, applying the partial structural equations approach and estimating the invariance between the two groups. Results. The results of this study from the structural model, which allow obtaining the positive and statistically significant coefficients, which allow empirically validating the hypotheses. Conclusions. It was evidenced that non-technological innovation, absorption capacity and technological acquisition favor technological innovation in companies with low technological intensity. This article confirms that manufacturing companies should guide efforts to improve their capacity for innovation.Ítem Acceso Abierto Una aplicación de la teoría del comportamiento planificado al segmento masculino latinoamericano de productos de cuidado personal(Universidad EAN, 2017) Regalado Pezúa, Otto; Guerrero Medina, Carlos Alberto; Montalvo Corzo, Raúl FranciscoThis research study identifies those factors which influence the consumption of care products in the Latinamerican male segment. That's why, an instrument based on the behavorial theory was applied to 600 men living in two countries of this región and having different levels of development regarding the above mentioned category, Mexico -highly developed- and Peru -moderately developed-. The data obtained were analyzed using a model of structural equations. The results show that a subjective norm will stop men's consumption of these kinds of products. Similarly, the impact of this subjective norm will be lower in young men, allowing them to have a great aperture in the consumption of these care products.Ítem Acceso Abierto La aplicación del marketing relacional en mercados masivos de América Latina: estudio de casos en el Perú(Universidad del Rosario, 2013-04-30) Wakabayashi, José; Oblitas, HaydeéRelational marketing appeared as an attempt to overcome the constraints of transactional marketing, aiming to develop and preserve long term relations with clients by satisfying their needs and increasing value. In practice, however, there is no accurate understanding of the way the Relational Marketing has been applied in Latin American mass consumer markets and in particular, Peru. In response, a multiple case study was conducted, compiling and analyzing data from three companies in Lima, Peru, to determine the applications of these marketing paradigms. The most significant findings reveal that in applicative fields the transactional and relational paradigms are applied simultaneously, thus denying any potential evolution from the former to the latter.Ítem Acceso Abierto Apoyo monetario insuficiente y resultados en salud: el caso peruano(Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica, 2022-07-27) Guillén Uyen, JorgeThe paper shed the light in analyzing the efficiency of Peruvian Government Financial Support in comparison with some countries in the Latin American Region and worldwide. The Covid 19 Pandemic enforced governments to apply the “Hammer Blow” which affected negatively the economy producing recession and unemployment. Governments offset the latter effect by applying subsidy policies to the Poor and then reduce the negative economic consequences of the general lockdown without getting COVID. Our study performs a Difference and Difference Model (DID) to evaluate the effectiveness of the latter policy.Ítem Acceso Abierto Apoyo para desarrollo de carrera de miembros de “familias de doble carrera”(Universidad de Zulia, 2010-03-18) Jáuregui Machuca, Kety; Bejarano Heredia, AlbertoDual-career families, where both spouses seek to develop their own careers, represent thenew social standard. This paper explores the type of support perceived as most relevant to careerdevelopment for a professional member in a dual career family. Quantitative data was compiled us-ing non-probabilistic sampling; the sample consisted of 51 employees belonging to dual-careerfamilies. Results show that organizational support is very relevant to career development, particu-larly in emotional, informational and instrumental dimensions. The second determinant is familysupport, where the emotional dimension was more critical. This study in the Peruvian context coin-cides with the findings of previous studies. Conclusions are that dual-career families perceive or-ganizational support as a priority for their development; therefore, the study proposes that busi-nesses should implement policies related to the emotional, informational and instrumental dimen-sion in their career development plans.Ítem Acceso Abierto Application of neural networks in the teacher selection process(Elsevier, 2023-01-31) Ovalle, Christian; Auccahuasi, Wilver; Meza, Sandra; Cordova-Buiza, Franklin; Rojas, Karin; Cosme, Miryam; Inciso-Rojas, Miryam; Aiquipa, Gabriel; Campos Martínez, Hernando Martin; Fuentes, Alfonso; Auccahuasi, AlyThe information and communications technologies are revolutionizing the classic ways of carrying out the processes, in particular, for the teacher selection processes we have the classic form of evaluation, according to the criteria of each educational institution, in the present work it is presented a teacher selection model, using neural networks, using 3 criteria and 23 characteristics, which are entered into individual networks for each criterion and additionally a network for the final classification, is presented based on a prototype, an application developed with the computational tool Matlab, which is described in detail for its application and scaling, for purposes of measuring the performance of the network, evaluations were carried out with a group of 30 candidates, grouped into two groups, a group of 15 candidates with positive conditions complying with the policies of the educational institution and a second group with candidates who do not meet the policies of the educational institution, with which sensitivity values of 93% and a specificity level of 86% were obtained, we conclude that the model presented can be replicated and conditioned to the needs and policies of each educational institution.Ítem Acceso Abierto Are employees well evaluated in their CSR actions? The perception of managers in an emerging country(Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado, 2020-01-05) Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo; Del Brio, JesúsPurpose – This paper tests the influence of employees’ involvement in CSR activities on managers’ perceptions regarding business confidence. Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative methodology was used to contrast the hypotheses presented in this paper. The empirical research began in March 2016. In April 2016, a questionnaire was sent by email to the 1,745 managers of the multiple banks with a message explaining the relevance of the research. The data gathering process finished in July 2016. Findings – The causal model proved the influence of the perception of employees’ involvement in the CSR actions of Peruvian banks in terms of improving the perception of business confidence by managers. The relationship found was not statistically significant at a level of p<0.05. Therefore, the assessment of the involvement of workers in CSR in Peruvian banks does not significantly influence business confidence. Originality/value – The main contribution of this paper is that it empirically analyzes how business confidence is perceived by managers and how it is influenced by perceptions of employees’ involvement in CSR actions in a context barely investigated: an emerging country.Ítem Acceso Abierto Are sustainable health workforces possible?: issues and a possible remedy(MDPI, 2023-02-15) Rees, Gareth H.; James, Rosemary; Samadashvili, Levan; Scotter, CrisThe 2020–2022 period of the global COVID-19 pandemic exposed the fact that many countries health systems had inadequate health workforce availability. This is despite sustainable health workforces being critical to health service and healthcare delivery, an acknowledgement that drove the significant investment and focus on health workforce development over the previous two decades. As such, this review article discusses health workforce governance and planning, notes its weaknesses, and identifies some of the barriers to the implementation of health workforce policy making and planning and the achievement of sustainable health workforces. Important is the recognition that health workforce planning is long-term in nature, while health workforce decision-making processes are dominated by political processes that have much shorter time frames. The article concludes by offering the approach of backcasting to overcome this dichotomy.