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Esta subcomunidad reúne los artículos publicados en las revistas de ESAN: Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS) y Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo. La búsqueda y acceso es a cada artículo en particular y se accede al texto completo mediante un enlace externo que redirige al archivo correspondiente en el portal de revistas de ESAN.
Ítem Solo Metadatos Calidad total: solución empresarial(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) D'Alessio Ipinza, FernandoIt presents the fundamentals of the total quality strategy, in the understanding of how beneficial the implementation of this strategy is by generating valuable effects on the entire organization. It summarizes the modern concepts used by Japanese companies in administration, influenced by three North Americans: Deming, Juran and Crosby, and shows the evolution of thinking about quality based on the contribution of these authors. The central part of the article is dedicated to the philosophy of Edward Deming, the highest exponent of the modern concept of quality, for which the concepts developed by this author are explained: the fourteen points, the seven deadly diseases, the obstacles to good management and the importance of the use of graphics to objectively represent the information required for decision making. The article encourages innovation in business management, warning senior management about the traditional myopia manifested in conservative management and making them see the favorable effects that the modern concept of quality would have on their organization.Ítem Solo Metadatos Mercadeo informal estrategia de pequeña empresa: la necesidad obliga(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Gastañaduy, AlfonsoIt presents the case of a textile entrepreneur facing a difficult situation due to the oversizing of his business and the neglect of marketing variables, at a time when inflation levels are high and a sharp recession process is beginning. Forced by necessity, he has to close two of his four stores, liquidate his garment factory and return to informality. After taking a marketing management course at a prestigious institution, he sets about the task of preparing his strategic planning. The case is a good opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of the strategic planning process: the mission; the situational analysis, risks and opportunities of the general environment of the country and the competitive environment (strengths and weaknesses); and finally the objectives and strategies, all within a framework of free importation in a market economy context.Ítem Solo Metadatos Pequeña empresa: papel de nuevo gerente de marketing Escobita Nueva(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Fischer, Konrad; Gastañaduy, AlfonsoIt presents the case of a family-owned garment company whose development has responded more to the founder's desire to provide his family with a sufficiently comfortable living than to the entrepreneurial vision that would have allowed it to respond to market signals, which has led the company to lose ground to the competition. The organization of production is described; the market strategy: product, price, distribution and sales, promotion and advertising; the characteristics of the market and the competition; and the financial situation. When the founder's son takes over the business, he evaluates this situation and considers different alternatives for action: specializing in a new product line; maintaining the same product line, but with new designs; entering other markets; changing its pricing policy; its distribution and sales system, as well as promotion and advertising. The discussion of the case can be oriented towards the analysis of these options.Ítem Solo Metadatos Ejercicio de negociación: una decisión de rutina(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Tejada Oshiro, CIt shows an exercise whose objective is to get the students or participants to design the strategy they will follow during a negotiation process, taking into account the basic principles of a price negotiation. It simulates a typical negotiation between a buyer and a seller, each of whom has information that the other does not know. Each party must negotiate the price at which it will be willing to enter into the transaction. A second objective is to record the evolution of the negotiation process in order to measure the strength and sequence of the arguments, as well as the style of the negotiation. To this end, the instructor's guide suggests that the participant should define his strategy, prepare the arguments with which he will support it and define his negotiation style.Ítem Solo Metadatos Propuesta para el ordenamiento de los sistemas de gestión del agua en los países de América Latina y el Caribe(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Dourojeanni, AxelIt specifically analyzes how it is carried out and how the management of water resources can be improved for its integral management. It is emphasized that what is really important is to give a comprehensive treatment to the water system, its collection and evacuation basins, regardless of whether the management system itself is integrated or not. To facilitate the analysis a systemic approach is used. The conceptual framework provides a classification of management levels into four categories: scientific-environmental, economic-productive, technical-normative and political-social; these levels are associated with different management areas. In order to conduct environmental management processes, in particular for management of water resources for multiple use, two delimitation criteria must be taken into account: the political-administrative and the geographical-ecological. If management systems are brought together in relation to these two limits, it is possible to arrive at a more effective form of environmental management.Ítem Solo Metadatos A propósito del enfoque BCG(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Esteves Dejo, Martha CeciliaIt raises some of the limitations of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) method, a successful consulting product considered a simple tool that helps to comprehensively understand the decisions a company makes about its future. To this end, the validity of the concepts on which it is based, its goodness as an analysis tool and the applicability of its recommendations are discussed. The three central concepts that support the theoretical framework of the BCG are analyzed: the experience curve, the product life cycle and the portfolio balance, and the main objections to the strategic options derived from it are raised. The general propositions derived from the growth-participation matrix are discussed and two aspects are dealt with in detail: the validity of the strategy recommended by the BCG for "dog" businesses and the limitations that the product life cycle imposes on marketing managers.Ítem Solo Metadatos Performance estratégica y económica de empresas estatales: el caso de las aerolíneas latinoamericanas(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) Gallegos Monteagudo, ArmandoSeeks to develop new methods to identify objectives and evaluate the performance of state-owned companies, as well as to compare their performance with that of private companies. Comprises the operations between 1981 and 1987 of 17 airlines classified as: public Latin American, private Latin American and North American with operations in Latin America. First, the Delphi method is applied to identify the objectives and criteria for evaluating the performance of public airlines. Secondly, new methods for performance evaluation are evaluated using Data Envelopment Analysis. The third part is devoted to comparative performance studies and their implications for management and public policy formulation; the tools developed in the previous stages are used to relate ownership, international competition and efficiency. The results of the study indicate that the privatization strategies applied may produce some, but modest, efficiency gains. More fruitful might be to consider other strategies that allow moving up the entire efficiency frontier, such as some deregulation of domestic and international markets.Ítem Solo Metadatos Laboratorios Senosiain S.A. de C.V.: primero la familia y después el negocio(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Espinosa Gamboa, Emilio L.The present case is about the evolution of a family business whose beginning dates back to the early XX century. Having been a modest provincial pharmacy, over the years it became one of the most important pharmaceutical laboratories in Mexico. The main objective of the case is to detect the business strategy that has prevailed in each of the stages corresponding to the three generations of the Senosiain family and to explore how the strategy, both familiar and business, could be modified as a vision for the future, thinking about the imminent maturity of the next generation, and considering the profound changes that could occur in the environment, both national and international. In addition, it is worth highlighting the value of the strategic definition of a company, rebuilding and analyzing its tradition and its historical development as additional elements to evaluate its forces, weaknesses, values, among others. This case may also be suitable for discussing and analyzing the peculiar problems and characteristics of family businesses.Ítem Solo Metadatos El gerente y la cultura de las empresas en el Paraguay(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) García de Benavides, ConsueloIt gives an approach about management, its styles and the culture of Latin American companies – topics dealt with sparsely and marginally – from Paraguay’s case which country is unique to the rest of the continent. The basic hypothesis is that the social system significantly influences the companies and those who work in it, shaping a style of management and culture typical of those companies and with which their identity is formed. The research, exploratory, was conducted based on three observation elements: in-depth interview, opinion interview and Paraguayan history. It was possible to prove the validity of the theoretical model developed and it was found that the culture of the company is the result of social, economic, political and cultural development and the predominant archetypal dynamics in society and not the simple statement of values and beliefs divorced from the conditions that create the forms of organization. Paraguayan companies were also found to be characterized by traditional management styles and paternalism; their managers believe that managing means applying classic management models, which prevents them from generating their own models that take advantage of the potentials of society and culture.Ítem Solo Metadatos Comentarios sobre el entorno empresarial: la variable política(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Silva Vegas, GerardoIt aims to provide the manager, in his capacity as the leader of an organization that produces goods or services for society, an analytical instrument that allows him to decompose the most complex external factor: the political variable, understood as power relations, the interaction of social groups with different or antagonistic interests, and decision-making by socially powerful subjects that affects the whole. To approach the compression of this variable, an analytical instrument is proposed which combines four dimensions: contradiction between capital and labor, contradiction between State and civil society, contradiction between violence and peace and national contradiction (between protectionism and globalization or between nationalism and internationalism). Other dimensions are conceivable; however, what is important is the usefulness of the analytical method for the stated purposes. The analysis of the political variable will allow the company’s adequate understanding and, consequently, the possibility of predicting its behavior and anticipating the events.Ítem Solo Metadatos Temperatura S.A(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Valdez Flórez, EnriqueCase study on a company that, due to little interest in the proper use of the computer system, makes a serious mistake that causes serious damage to one of its main customers. The objective is to motivate students in the matter of how difficult it is to understand the technology that others master, which often puts the manager at a disadvantage compared to others and arouses in him mistrust or suspicion towards his subordinates. Students will surely find that the central problem lies in the lack of adequate planning, which should not be rejected as bad. However, the teacher, with appropriate questions, should ensure that students realize the permanent danger of being technological outdated or having contempt for unknown technology. And he should encourage in them a willingness to be more cautious when they perceive information they do not understand and to take advantage of opportunities that significantly benefit those who seize them.Ítem Solo Metadatos Inversión en capital humano: la percepción de los directivos de empresa(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Vera, José CarlosResearch dedicated to prevention in health matters, specifically that related to the worker in the company and that related to the care of the mother and the child in the framework of family planning. In-depth interviews and surveys were applied to the general, administrative and financial managers of a sample of representative companies of their sector that had a considerable female population. It was sought to determine the perception of managers regarding social benefits, health prevention, family planning and the current offer of prevention services. An attempt was also made to evaluate the current situation of preventive health services in companies. Among other findings, it is found that managers do not have internalized the concept of prevention as a way to avoid the deterioration of the health of workers and, therefore, to increase their productivity. Regarding family planning, they do not conceive it as a form of prevention nor do they manage to clearly establish the relationship between income, nutrition and good health. They are more interested in disease prevention than in well-child control, gynecological control, pregnancy and childbirth.Ítem Solo Metadatos Gestión y política industrial en sectores de alta tecnología: el caso de los semiconductores(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Carter, Shelby H.; Cooper, William W.; Kozmetsky, George; Sinha, Kingshuk K.; Sun, Dee BruceThis case analyzes what elements could entail in the United Stated industrial policy, giving a special emphasis on permanent changing modern high-tech industries environment. At the same time, it is sought to demonstrate that the correct orientation should be aimed to the intensive research and closely related to technological developments. It is argued that change and a flexible response are the necessary ingredients of an industrial policy aimed to meet the requirements of this industry. It specifically focuses on semiconductor companies to illustrate what sector like this could entail for public policy. This sector faces in complex ways a situation of continuous change and interaction through all the stages and processes from products. The behavior of this industry leads to misinterpretations and can lead to apply wrong policies.Ítem Solo Metadatos Laboratorio Burbujas de Amor(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Ortega Meneses, LuisIn the present case study, the shrimp larvae laboratory «Bubbles of Love», dedicated for providing larvae of this crustacean to shrimp companies, receives the proposal to supply a large company of the field, which would involve almost doubling its current production, but its installed capacity only allows it to increase by 25%. Therefore, if they decide to serve a new customer, they must find out how to finance the necessary investment for the expansion of facilities. The general conditions of the customer’s proposal, the background of the organization, the characteristics of the industry, the marketing of the product, the characteristics of the environment and different financing options are presented as well. The resolution of the case requires analyzing the information provided in order to determine the actual situation of the company and its financial capacity, the evaluation of different sources of financing as well, too.Ítem Solo Metadatos Estructura de propiedad de las firmas y grupos económicos: el caso chileno(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Paredes M., Ricardo; Flor R., LincolnIt analyzes the ownership structure of Chilean firms and the effect that conglomerates or economic groups produce on this structure. The central hypothesis is that the ownership structure of firms owned or controlled by economic groups is not significantly different from the ownership structure of any other firm. The variables analyzed were ownership structure, optimal size of the firm, potential control, regulation, economic group and tradability of the good or productive sector. The most relevant finding is the evidence that the ownership structure of the firms belonging to economic groups is significantly different (more concentrated) from that of the rest of the firms in the sample, which would indicate that the firms belonging to groups do not maximize benefits individually, but as a whole.Ítem Solo Metadatos Compañía de productos fritos "Bocaos" Ltda.(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Angulo Olaya, MyriamFamily business in the food industry managed by five of nine siblings is experiencing declining sales and rising costs. A board of partners must set new directions and policies for the future. The case begins by describing the origin of the problem and then makes a historical account of the development of the company during its 24 years of existence. It exposes the factors and situations that generated its current structure, both internal and its environment. The objective is to awaken in business administration students, particularly in marketing, an analytical and research capacity that will allow them to broaden and deepen their knowledge of topics such as the decision-making process in marketing, new procedures or innovation of existing ones with respect to the management of the elements of the marketing mix, design of strategic plans and marketing programs that guarantee the permanence of an organization. Finally, the case shows the economic, social and political aspects of the environment in which the company operates.Ítem Solo Metadatos “Las niñas también juegan con carritos” la mujer en la gerencia: el caso del Perú(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Adaniya, Ana Rosa; Pérez-Costa, Rosa P. deThe purpose of this research is to determine whether there are differences between managers’ perceptions about the characteristics of a successful manager. It is based on Schein’s studies of gender role stereotypes and the characteristics required to be considered a successful manager. The hypotheses, one for men and one for women, are that managers will perceive that successful ones have attitudes, characteristics and temperaments that are more commonly attributed to men in general than to women in general. The slightly modified Schein Descriptive Index questionnaire to a sample of 268 managers working in Lima. Interclass correlation coefficients (r’) were calculated from two random group analysis of variance of the 92 descriptive items. In conclusion, it is found that while the hypothesis in confirmed in male managers, the same is not true in female managers, who perceive thar both men and women have characteristics of successful managers. Another finding is that age and years of experience moderate the perceptions of women, while the level of education moderates those of men.Ítem Solo Metadatos Calidad versus productividad: ¿qué es lo primero?(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Vargas, Gustavo A.This document refers to some key factors as competitive, technological and organizational which may affect management decisions involved in determining the sequence of quality or productivity. The objective is to try to close the "implementation gap" by studying successful experiences (taken from real life) of companies that faced and over sacked this challenge, and by characterizing the internal and external circumstances to the companies that determined the order of priority of the implementation. The analysis has both logical and empirical bases, detailed in the cases described. Finally, the choice will depend between the challenges a company faces, the resources , and the time context in which it has actions. In conclusion, it is possible to define the profile of companies and their internal/external environments that allow to define the order of priority between productivity and quality, for this there are several implementation guidelines: the set of product-market characteristics such as the product lifecycle and the degree of product diversity and market growth rate, cost leadership and immediate access of the product.Ítem Solo Metadatos Distribuidores Textiles S.A. (DITEXSA)(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Valdés Palacio, ArmandoThis case study presents the situation of a clothing company with many years of operation that is affected when the entry into the market of department stores, or large retailers, causes changes in the distribution system of its products. The discussion should focus on four objectives: first, to get the participants in the discussion to analyze the physical distribution situation before the intervention of large retailers, and to explain how their appearance in the market affects the industrial or commercial company and two main distributors of a product line; second, to get the participants to assume the roles of company executives and reach a joint decision on how to relate to the elements of the distribution chain without affecting the cordial relations with their long-standing customers; third, to motivate participants to become aware of the importance for the company of changes in its environment, in this case, in physical distribution, distribution channels and the relationships between producers, the distribution chain and end customers; finally, to evaluate the aspects to be considered in the design of distribution channels and to study the advisability of making changes in channel participation and in the use of multiple or dual channels.Ítem Solo Metadatos Concesión de créditos(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Cárdenas B., JorgeThe objective of this study is to present a generic methodology to contribute to the improvement of the procedures for deciding to grant credit, and at the same time, to guide potential clients and promote a healthy and intelligible dialogue between the parties. In this way, the four famous criteria are evaluated: i) character, which refers to the customer's willingness to pay; ii) capacity, which has to do with the customer's experience in generate funds and the possibility of continuing to generate them; iii) capital, which consists of the degree of leverage; and iv) conditions, which is the collateral or guarantee offered by the subject or company requesting the credit, as well as the date of payment. Finally, the author concludes that choosing the subject of credit is a difficult task, since the financial capacity is not enough to decide the granting of credit, but takes into account the above criteria, which to the layman may seem a subtlety.