JEFAS (antes Cuadernos de Difusión) Vol. 13 Nº 24 (2008)
URI permanente para esta colección
Ítem Solo Metadatos Impacto del sistema general de preferencias sobre los productos agroindustriales y pesqueros exportados por el Perú a Japón(1996-2005)(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-06-30) Tomida Pérez, MitsukoThis paper studies how Peru was benefited from Japan’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) between 1996 and 2005. For this purpose we are including an econometric model which proves the effects of Japan’s GDP the variation in the wholesale price index in Peru the GSP ratio and the trade indicator on non-traditional exports between both countries. This research is mainly focused on analyzing the behavior of agro-industrial and fi shery products benefited from the GSP through statistic charts displaying the trends in non-traditional trade. A survey was conducted among to the sixty largest exporters to Japan to determine the awareness and spreading of this tariff benefit system among Peruvian exporters of non-traditional products. To enhance this paper we provide a matrix of potentials with a classification of Peruvian products exported to Japan in order to identify those that Peru might export according to demand.