Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo

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Es una publicación semestral de carácter científico, editada por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad ESAN. Su misión es contribuir al conocimiento jurídico mediante la publicación de trabajos de investigación académica originales y especializados en Derecho Corporativo y temas jurídicos afines, con relevancia tanto nacional como internacional. Su visión es llegar a ser una fuente de referencia clave en Derecho Corporativo a nivel regional y global. Está dirigida a abogados e investigadores interesados en profundizar en el estudio del Derecho Corporativo.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Miniatura
    Multidisciplinariedad del derecho corporativo en México
    (Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31) Morales Ozuna, Enrique Eriberto
    The central point of the study is to briefly explain the process of creating a commercial company with a multidisciplinary perspective of corporate law in Mexico, as an integrating axis of the legal disciplines consisting of Commercial, Notarial, Tax, Labor and Law. of Social Security. The significance of the proposal lies in exposing from a multidisciplinary perspective each legal system that affects the correct creation of a corporation in Mexico, making visible the points of concurrence of each of the legal sections of these legal dis ciplines, which apparently do not have correlation, given the nature of each of them; however, their meeting point is to bring a company into legal life. This being the final concordant or common objective of these various areas of law and, of course, the activities that corporations could subsequently develop, until their liquidation.
  • Miniatura
    El derecho digital y de las nuevas tecnologías: su importancia en el gobierno y en la empresa
    (Universidad ESAN, 2021-06-01) Núñez Ponce, Julio
    Digital Law and New Technologies has incidence and importance in the automated and global society, where the technological rhythm allows everyone in the world to use the new information and communication technologies. We proceed to the analysis of the different areas of application between Law and Technology: people, legal act, internet marriage, conciliation by electronic means, law of digital signatures and certificates, promotion of broadband, computer crimes. Likewise, the Digital Government Law and the Digital Government Law and the Digital transformation of the Judiciary are analyzed. The Digital Approach and Corporate Law section deals with the protection of personal data, teleworking, the tax impact of digital service and consumer protection in Electronic Commerce. The conclusions highlight the importance and significance of the discipline.
  • Miniatura
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-12-01) Camacho Zegarra, María Augusta
    I am pleased to present the second edition of Giuristi, which brings together a selection of interesting and topical articles focusing on of corporate law and good governance. They are the product of exhaustive research by renowned corporate law professors, as well as outstanding foreign jurists, who have achieved together a combination to have launched the first one - and that promises to be present in two versions annual-, has been that of having overcome a state of emergency derived of the pandemic that has worn out many initiatives; in our case, without However, it turned out to be more of an opportunity to devote great care and Above all, I strive to achieve this goal and to contribute from the Academy to the construction of a more humane and just society through resources that as well as the publications, show the reflection of the authors in this field.