Giuristi: Revista de Derecho Corporativo

URI permanente para esta comunidad

Es una publicación semestral de carácter científico, editada por la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad ESAN. Su misión es contribuir al conocimiento jurídico mediante la publicación de trabajos de investigación académica originales y especializados en Derecho Corporativo y temas jurídicos afines, con relevancia tanto nacional como internacional. Su visión es llegar a ser una fuente de referencia clave en Derecho Corporativo a nivel regional y global. Está dirigida a abogados e investigadores interesados en profundizar en el estudio del Derecho Corporativo.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Miniatura
    Una peculiar visión del derecho. ¿y si por unos minutos nos apartamos de Kant y nos aproximamos a Nietzsche?
    (Universidad ESAN, 2023-12-31) Da Giau Roose, Piero
    This work presents reflections on the connection between law and sociology, ethics, morality, religion, literature and philosophy; and links legal concepts— assumed a priori—in their non-philosophical meaning. Raising questions de rived from other branches of human knowledge will allow us to assume and understand the multidisciplinary nature of law, starting from legal situations contrasted with the eminently sociological field. Likewise, we will reflect on religious, moral and ethical issues, in the light of philosophy that questions everything —especially a Nietzschean vision— and from the perspective of literature, which addresses everything.
  • Miniatura
    Sierralta Ríos, Aníbal. El comercio internacional y su impacto en la cultura y el derecho
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020-06-27) Almeida Pérez, Mariced Morayma; Vergaray Castillo, Daniela Carolina
    Currently, international trade is one of the economic activities more outstanding. It does not imply - as the author states - only transfers of goods or services; It also includes a series of elements, among which culture, technology and legal systems are included. For this reason, the international trade has direct effects, through cultural penetration or political interference, both in transnational corporations and in Recipient states and their populations. Sierralta, taking into account these new elements that are affected by economic activity, proposes a new theory: the evolutionary theory of international trade. This is raised not only as a theoretical approach, but also as the development of interdependence between the actors and the time factor in trade.