Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science

URI permanente para esta comunidad

La Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS), de la Universidad ESAN, es una publicación académica de acceso abierto que presenta investigaciones revisadas por pares en administración, economía y finanzas, con un enfoque en el contexto latinoamericano e iberoamericano. Fundada en 1992 como Cuadernos de Difusión, en 2009 cambió de nombre a su actual denominación como JEFAS. Ha evolucionado en colaboración con importantes editoriales, como Elsevier y actualmente Emerald Publishing. La revista publica investigaciones de alta calidad sin costo para los autores, con el respaldo de ESAN y su compromiso con la difusión del conocimiento científico y académico, y la práctica gerencial.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Miniatura
    Las empresas ante su desafío histórico: de la acumulación egoísta a la responsabilidad social
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Dejo, Federico
    When the first productive organizations of the pre-industrial era appeared, man noticed that the development of these organizations had a negative impact, especially in terms of labor exploitation. However, man also foresaw the positive impacts: wealth and diversity of goods and products. This led later on, to the discussion of which role the companies must play inthe development of society. Socialist movements and subsequent revolutions tried to eradicate labor exploitation within the corporate world. But socialism’s failure to eliminate social injustice only strengthened the capitalist model. The manner in which most companies perform their activities, based solely on profit, threatens to eradicate not only wage earners, but theplanet it self. As a response to this, the concept of Socially Responsible Companies (SRC),emerging with great strength in the past decade, constitutes a rational and viable alternative in order to achieve a sustainable, desirable and necessary type of development.
  • Miniatura
    Project System, un modelo de gestión para construir el desarrollo sostenible
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-12-30) Dejo, Federico
    This paper shows the advantages of the Scorecard Project System as a computer integrated tool to simplify, speed up and streamline the design and monitoring of diagnosis studies, plans and projects included in a strategic view to reach sustainable development. The paper shows the characteristics and advantages of each such tool and establishes their sequence in the feedback cycle for territorial management, whether peasant communities, local governments, regional governments of companies with a social responsibility mission.