Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science

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La Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science (JEFAS), de la Universidad ESAN, es una publicación académica de acceso abierto que presenta investigaciones revisadas por pares en administración, economía y finanzas, con un enfoque en el contexto latinoamericano e iberoamericano. Fundada en 1992 como Cuadernos de Difusión, en 2009 cambió de nombre a su actual denominación como JEFAS. Ha evolucionado en colaboración con importantes editoriales, como Elsevier y actualmente Emerald Publishing. La revista publica investigaciones de alta calidad sin costo para los autores, con el respaldo de ESAN y su compromiso con la difusión del conocimiento científico y académico, y la práctica gerencial.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 3 de 3
  • Miniatura
    Compañía Minera Malú S. A.: un caso de evaluación de inversiones
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2002-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo; Villanes Vergara, Liz
    This study addresses the case of a mining company that needs to evaluate the feasibility of a new attractive prospect in the Callejón de Huaylas, department of Ancash, for having estimated gold reserves of 1.4 million ounces. Attending to this objective, it sets out in detail the set of variables to be considered for the evaluation: exploration period, detail engineering need, estimation of the ore grade and exploitation period, investment requirements, operation, and administration costs, financing needs, and taxes pressure. With these data and an intermediate assumption about the price of gold, it is established that the project would be viable with an investment of 40% of own resources and 60% of resources of third parties with an interest rate of 9%. A fall in the price of gold would force an increase in the proportion of own resources.
  • Miniatura
    FICASAC: Fideos en casa S.A.C.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo; Villanes, Liz
    Faced with the imminent entry of the industry leader into the market where Ficasac operates, themanagement of this company met to analyze and ultimately approve the convenience of expandingthe product line. However, during the meeting several alternatives were brought up regardingequipment financing. These alternatives must be assessed in light of two possible future scenarios:taking advantage or not of the tax benefits of the border law. The results of such assessment shallbe discussed the following day, for which it is necessary to prepare a report with recommendationson the matter.
  • Miniatura
    Cía. minera Milpo S.A.A.: valorización de una empresa minera
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo
    Bailey Investments Inc. (BII) was restructuring their investment portfolio and examining the possibility of extending their exposure towards the Peruvian mining industry. Specifi cally, they were interested in investing in the Milpo Mining Company, about which they had very good references. For this reason, they asked MC Peru, who is one of their primary foreign customers, to create a report about the convenience for realizing this investment. They expected a comparison between the market price and the value of ordinary Milpo stock. Analyst Ernesto Valdez, who was in charge of this work, knew that he would only have a short time (three days) to do so, meaning that there would not be any time to converse with Milpo representatives, and his analysis would have to focus on public information available through the Internet.