2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Miniatura
    Oro de los Andes
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Morán, María Rosa
    This case study poses the problem of a mining company and their activities in the Ancash Department. Despite the vast quantity of natural and cultural resources in the region, the communities are not developed, lacking government services and access routes. In this context,the company decides to enact a program that would increase tourist activity, with the intention of generating more wealth in the region, and as a means to develop competitive advantages and a sustainable source of income and employment for the community.
  • Miniatura
    Willoq: un caso de turismo vivencial
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2005-12-30) Abarca, Alfredo
    The Willoq community and Peruvian Odyssey have joined efforts in order to bring the everyday life of the high Andean communities in the area of Ollantaytambo closer to tourists. This is known as «existential tourism», and has as a basic premise the preservation of the Andean Man’s customs and traditions. Perhaps the magic and charm experienced by those who visit the Willoq community resides in the vast and diverse landscape in front of them, as well as in the various cultural manifestations that are so different to theirs in terms of: organization, economy, religion, and a sustainable interaction through time with the environment. But we can also see the crude reality and difficulties of the Willoq community, as well as the illusion and hope with which they view an ever more globalized world.