2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 2 de 2
  • Miniatura
    Cross-cultural construct complexity: an initial empirical analysis of Perú
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1999-12-30) Luque, Mary Sully de; Matute, Genaro
    Cross-cultural scholars continually request empirical research that broadens the complexity of culture. We examine the effects of culture following the broad conception of cultural constructs as cultural syndromes that are multifaceted. Based on past theoretical and empirical research, this study identifies three cultural syndromes, Individualism Collectivism, Tolerance for Ambiguity and Status Identity, with the objective of utilizing original and existing conceptually sound measures of these constructs. The dimensionality of these constructs was assessed through the development and analysis of responses from a sample 0f226 Peruvian managers and experienced employees. Results provide support for the multi-dimensionality of these dimensions.
  • Miniatura
    Value and quality creation: natural resources industrialization and standards of living in Peru 1950 to 1997
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1999-12-30) Roca, Santiago; Simabuko, Luis
    One of the most current Issues in the economic debate is that of the productive vocation of the country: to achieve development based on the exploitation of natural resources or industrialization; however the basis of the chosen option is usually more theoretical than empirical. This work seeks to establish the relationships between “primarization” industrialization and living standards in Peru between 1950 and 1997 based on the available economic information. Its main conclusion is that in that period in Peru there was an inverse relationship between the “primarization” of economic activities and the standard of living or income of the population. For each additional point of participation in extractive or primary activities per capita consumption worsened by 2.6% salaries by 5.4% and salaries by 7.4%. On the contrary for each additional percentage point of the manufacturing sector per capita consumption increased by 4.2% salaries by 10.6% and wages by 15.5%.