2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 6 de 6
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Ejecutivo peruano: la autoridad y la toma de decisiones
    (Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados. Departamento de Investigación, 1975) Scurrah, Martin; Núñez, Raquel
    En este trabajo se analizan algunas actitudes de los ejecutivos del nivel medio relacionadas, específicamente, con el manejo de la autoridad (cuestionamiento y centralización de la autoridad), la toma de decisiones (participación de los trabajadores en las decisiones) y el uso de procedimientos escritos. Se trata de responder preguntas tales como las siguientes: ¿qué opinan los ejecutivos peruanos respecto a la toma de decisiones, al manejo de la autoridad y al uso de procedimientos escritos dentro de las empresas en las que trabajan?, ¿qué preferencias tienen al respecto?, ¿cómo son percibidos estos tres aspectos por los ejecutivos peruanos? Estos interrogantes cobran especial importancia si se considera la situación de cambios sociales que vive el país, especialmente en el sector empresarial, debido a la creación de comunidad laboral y la empresa de propiedad social, así como la reorganización de la administración pública. El análisis se basó en una muestra de 389 ejecutivos de nivel medio que trabajaban en Lima, en empresas privadas, empresas públicas y en organismos del Gobierno central, cuyas edades oscilaban entre 25 y 50 años y que estaban asistiendo a los cursos de especialización que ofrece la Escuela de Administración de Negocias para Graduados (ESAN). Se encontró que los ejecutivos tienen actitudes que favorecerían la participación de los trabajadores en la gestión de sus empresas y, al mismo, actitudes que podrían dificultar esta participación. Pero quedaría por estudiar si es que son las actitudes que favorecen o las que dificultan la participación de todos los trabajadores las que predominan en los ejecutivos.
  • Miniatura
    Incidente de negocios: distribuidor conquistado, venta realizada
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1995-12-30) Solano, David
    This business incident, which lends itself to an eminently qualitative analysis, seeks to illustrate how the marketing mix of a company should be structured, taking into account not only the product to be launched on the market, but also the client portfolio with which account the company. Another aspect to analyze is the decision-making style and its influence on marketing decisions. It is recommended that the solution culminate with the marketing mix proposal that the company must implement and the planning of the actions that must be carried out for this, both inside and outside the company. The analysis of the situation should be taken into account.
  • Miniatura
    Construcción de escenarios cognoscitivos basados en tendencias cualitativas
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-12-30) Scheel, Carlos
    This study offers a model for the construction of cognitive scenarios based on a systemic approach, and on the identification, tracking and projection of qualitative trends. The model is part of the exploratory strategy of a flexible knowledge-bases decision support system, designed by the author himself to handle unstructured environments. The concept of cognitive scenarios is based on qualitative trends and provides an effective and functional frame of reference for decision makers who need to project complex situations over long periods of time and in which many factors affect the behavior of the results. It is concluded that cognitive scenarios generate a series of intuitive behavioral patterns able to support strategies that, in general, are not able to be managed by conventional descriptive or normative models. In addition, cognitive scenarios provide a stronger support to develop strategic policies for decision makers.
  • Miniatura
    Compañía de productos fritos "Bocaos" Ltda.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Angulo Olaya, Myriam
    Family business in the food industry managed by five of nine siblings is experiencing declining sales and rising costs. A board of partners must set new directions and policies for the future. The case begins by describing the origin of the problem and then makes a historical account of the development of the company during its 24 years of existence. It exposes the factors and situations that generated its current structure, both internal and its environment. The objective is to awaken in business administration students, particularly in marketing, an analytical and research capacity that will allow them to broaden and deepen their knowledge of topics such as the decision-making process in marketing, new procedures or innovation of existing ones with respect to the management of the elements of the marketing mix, design of strategic plans and marketing programs that guarantee the permanence of an organization. Finally, the case shows the economic, social and political aspects of the environment in which the company operates.
  • Miniatura
    Distribuidores Textiles S.A. (DITEXSA)
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1993-04-30) Valdés Palacio, Armando
    This case study presents the situation of a clothing company with many years of operation that is affected when the entry into the market of department stores, or large retailers, causes changes in the distribution system of its products. The discussion should focus on four objectives: first, to get the participants in the discussion to analyze the physical distribution situation before the intervention of large retailers, and to explain how their appearance in the market affects the industrial or commercial company and two main distributors of a product line; second, to get the participants to assume the roles of company executives and reach a joint decision on how to relate to the elements of the distribution chain without affecting the cordial relations with their long-standing customers; third, to motivate participants to become aware of the importance for the company of changes in its environment, in this case, in physical distribution, distribution channels and the relationships between producers, the distribution chain and end customers; finally, to evaluate the aspects to be considered in the design of distribution channels and to study the advisability of making changes in channel participation and in the use of multiple or dual channels.
  • Miniatura
    Calidad total: solución empresarial
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) D'Alessio Ipinza, Fernando
    It presents the fundamentals of the total quality strategy, in the understanding of how beneficial the implementation of this strategy is by generating valuable effects on the entire organization. It summarizes the modern concepts used by Japanese companies in administration, influenced by three North Americans: Deming, Juran and Crosby, and shows the evolution of thinking about quality based on the contribution of these authors. The central part of the article is dedicated to the philosophy of Edward Deming, the highest exponent of the modern concept of quality, for which the concepts developed by this author are explained: the fourteen points, the seven deadly diseases, the obstacles to good management and the importance of the use of graphics to objectively represent the information required for decision making. The article encourages innovation in business management, warning senior management about the traditional myopia manifested in conservative management and making them see the favorable effects that the modern concept of quality would have on their organization.