2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 70
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    A holistic model of education quality in marketing management: an exploratory testing in Spanish universities
    (Universidad ESAN, 2010) Rivera-Camino, Jaime
    Over the last decades, education quality (EQ) assurance has emerged as an important public policy issue. Unfortunately, there is still no agreement on the following issues: EQ definitions, essential assessment indicators, and the fundamental suitability of the models proposed. To fill this vacuum, we propose an EQ model that empirically identifies the resource-capability variables linked to learning outcomes of students, and their association with the competitive positioning of universities.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    The Soccer World Cup is back again: can you guess who wins?
    (Universidad ESAN, 2010) Guillén, Jorge
    El siguiente estudio analiza las variables que explican el rendimiento de un equipo nacional de fútbol. Las variables se clasifican en los tres siguientes grupos: macroeconómicos, demográficos y deportivo-culturales. Encontramos que el deporte-cultura es una variable relevante en cuanto a su posición. Los resultados contrastan con estudios previos que no consideran nuestra medición sobre el rendimiento del participante en torneos. La posición del equipo se evalúa aplicando Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) para obtener el puntaje de eficiencia de los participantes basado sobre la idea de maximización de puntos con el número de intentos para marcar mediante corner, fuera de línea, tiro abierto y gol.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El project finance: una técnica para viabilizar proyectos de infraestructura
    (Universidad ESAN, 2010) Albújer Cruz, Alex
    Los proyectos de infraestructura son aquellos que los países deben ejecutar para brindar servicios públicos a la sociedad y generar desarrollo, tales como la construcción de carreteras, puertos, aeropuertos, centrales eléctricas, gasoductos, entre otros. En los países emergentes, el desarrollo de infraestructura es crucial para impulsar el crecimiento económico. Sin embargo, en pocos de estos países se llevan a cabo proyectos de infraestructura a través de la inversión privada. Generalmente se espera que el Estado se encargue de financiar, construir y operar la infraestructura. Surge así la posibilidad de ejecutar las obras en asociación entre el Estado y el sector privado, lo que se conoce como asociación público-privada (APP). Para estructurar adecuadamente una APP, donde el sector privado debe financiar el 100% de la inversión, diseñar, construir y operar la infraestructura, se requiere de las técnicas del Project Finance. El Project Finance tiene características particulares que obligan al Estado y al sector privado a compartir los riesgos del proyecto para que este sea viable. Dependiendo del proyecto, los riesgos pueden asignarse en mayor proporción al Estado o al sector privado. Lo que el Estado busca, obviamente, es trasladar el mayor número de riesgos al sector privado, lo que no es tan simple. El presente documento describe las ventajas de realizar las obras a través de una APP y explica cómo se identifican y asignan los riesgos en los proyectos de infraestructura. Además, presenta evidencia de las asignaciones de riesgos en las APP en diferentes países, donde la experiencia ha permitido perfeccionar el uso de estas estructuraciones financieras para hacer viables los proyectos.
  • Miniatura
    ADR effects on domestic Latin American financial market
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-06-30) Mendiola Cabrera, Alfredo
    The purpose of this paper is to revisit and extend previous research work that examines the ADR-listing effects on the trading process of all the domestically-listed stocks in the main Latin American exchanges. The most important result is consistent with the idea of a greater isolation (from global markets) of the singly-listed stocks in the post-cross-listing period. These results persist over the cross-listing months. As expected, the cross-listed stocks become more integrated in the post-cross listing period.
  • Miniatura
    Determinants of strategic risk management in emerging markets supply chains: the case of Mexico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-06-30) Lassar, Walfried; Haar, Jerry; Montalvo, Raúl; Hulser, Leslie
    Risk mitigation in global supply chains has grown in importance in recent years, in tandem with globalization and both the commercial and security threats faced by firms both large and small. This study hypothesizes that a firm’s ability to manage risk strategy— and therefore support its competitiveness—is determined by a symbiotic triad of factors: the resources it utilizes; network systems; and performance criteria it employs. The study, comprising 24 in-depth interviews with electronics and IT firms, examines resource utilization through the Resource-Based View (RBV), assesses firms’ proclivity to engage in networks for risk mitigation and competitiveness; and highlights the importance of performance evaluation as a critically important component in supply chain management. Findings reveal that both buyers and suppliers believe that the symbiotic triad can provide them with a competitive advantage in addition to improving operational efficiency, effectiveness and quality. Future research should also extend this pilot investigation to other countries and industries, and utilize a larger sample of firms for quantitative as well as qualitative assessment.
  • Miniatura
    Applying chaid to identify the accounting-financial characteristics of the most profitable real estate companies in Spain
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30) Rayo, Salvador; Cortes, Antonio M.
    The aim of this study is the determination, from an empirical perspective, of the accounting and financial features which could condition financial profitability of real estate companies, to identify the performances that guarantee its permanency in the current marketplace, characterized by the world economic crisis, specially in Spain, whose housing sector represents an important contributor to the economic growth. Although at a theoretical level the DuPont Model establishes the relationships between a group of accounting ratios and financial profitability. This paper uses a sample of 5,484 Spanish real estate com-panies to quantify these relationships and to extract the most relevant ones and to obtain the patterns of the most profitable companies. We use ROE to measure profitability and we analyze various independent variables about solvency, liquidity, activity, turnover, financial equilibrium and investment structure. The main contribution is of methodological nature, as we have applied statistics tools that do not require initial hypotheses on the distribution of the variables, by using a data mining technique of classification and regression tree based on rule induction algorithms known as CHAID. The study provides quantitatively success profiles by means of a set of rules describing the patterns of the most profitable companies.
  • Miniatura
    Agency costs and the size discount: evidence from acquisitions
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30) Offenberg, David
    Many scholars have found a negative relationship between a firm’s size and its value, as measured by Tobin’s q. This result is called the size discount. There are hypotheses about why the size discount exists, but none have been rigorously empirically tested. This paper argues that the size discount is created by the inability of shareholders to minimize agency costs in larger companies. Statistical tests suggest that the size discount only appears in large firms with managers that impose excessive agency costs upon their shareholders. Empiricists who use Tobin’s q to proxy for growth opportunities may need a different proxy.
  • Miniatura
    Strategic brand positioning analysis through comparison of cognitive and conative perceptions
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30) Manhas, Parikshat S.
    Due to the globalization of the economy, there has been great competition in the business sector. The basic human desire to challenge new limits and capture as much market as it is possible has given a new dimension to the concept of market-ing - brand positioning. To position a brand requires making choices; whereas having a position means people will prefer a brand over another. A brand can be positioned in several ways: offering a specific benefit, targeting a specific segment, price or distribution. Despite the fact that positioning is considered by both academics and practitioners to be one of the key ele-ments of modern marketing management, it is surprising to uncover general paucity of consumers/customers derived studies regarding brand positioning strategies.This article analyzes the market position held by a competitive set of brands in the hair oil market through a comparison of cognitive and conative perceptions. Cognition will be identified by trailing a factor analytic adaptation of importance per-formance analysis. In turn, conation will be gauged by stated intent of the consumers to purchase the hair oil brands under study. The alignment of the results from these techniques will help in identifying the position of leadership held by a brand in the hair oil market. The marketers, in order to strategically place their brands in today’s competitive market, need to identify the attributes on which they need to focus and those of paramount importance for the consumers. This method of positioning analysis offers a practical means for present-day marketers faced with the challenge of identifying one or few brands from their diverse and multi-attributed brand range that could be developed to differentiate their brand in a meaningful way to consumers.
  • Miniatura
    Re-engineering agriculture for enhanced performance through financing
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30) Mafimisebi, Taiwo; Oguntade, Adegboyega; Mafimisebi, Ojuotimi
    Insufficient institutional credit is a major contributor to the persistent poor performance of the Nigerian agricultural sector. To encourage financial institutions to increase lending to the sector, a partial credit guarantee scheme was instituted. The scheme commenced operations in 1978 with an authorized capital of N100.00 million, subscribed to 60% and 40% by the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Central Bank of Nigeria, respectively. This paper presents an appraisal of the scheme. The results revealed that there has been continuous growth in paid-up share capital, total fund resources, maximum amount of loan obtainable by farmers, number and value of loans guaranteed, volume and value of loans fully repaid and volume and value of default claims settled. There was a long-run convergence between the number and volume of guaranteed loans and the agricultural GDP. This finding indicates the need to expand the quantum of funds available for guaranteeing agricultural loans to increase performance of the agricultural sector in the long run. This step is justified by the strategic role of agricul-ture in the Nigerian economy in terms of food and fiber production, job creation, income generation, poverty reduction and economic stability.
  • Miniatura
    La investigación sobre el marketing relacional: un análisis de contenido de la literatura 2007-2008
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2010-12-30) Wakabayashi, José Luis
    The purpose of this article is to perform a literature review on Relational Marketing, to prepare a content analysis of it for classification and to provide to Marketing academics and practitioners with a bibliography by subjects. A search on Relation-al Marketing articles was performed in 55 specialized journals. Each article was taken as a unit of analysis. The classification of the units in excluding categories was prepared by two independent researchers to confirm the validity of the classification. The analysis of content considered five excluding categories: objectives, constructs, instruments, industrial applications and subjects for the years 2007 and 2008. The study, at the same time, classifies the articles according the criteria of region, region and studied industry for these years. The classification for industries implied reordering all the authors of the reviewed texts according to universal criteria of codification of economics activities CIIU.