2. Publicaciones
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068
Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional
187 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
Ítem Acceso Abierto ESAN: medio siglo de historia en formación gerencial(Universidad ESAN / Planeta, 2013) Universidad ESANLibro conmemorativo por el cincuentenario de la Universidad ESAN, fundada como Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados el 25 de julio de 1963. Relata los acontecimientos que rodearon su creación: la iniciativa de un grupo de empresarios reunidos en IPAE, la firma de un convenio de asistencia técnica entre los gobiernos del Perú y de los Estados Unidos, la puesta en marcha por la Universidad de Stanford de la que sería la primera escuela de posgrado especializada en negocios en el Perú e Hispanoamérica. Narra la historia de los primeros años —en los que destaca la gesta del decano fundador, profesor Alan Coleman—, el fin de la participación directa de Stanford y el traspaso de la dirección a académicos peruanos. Posteriormente, describe el crecimiento gradual y la consolidación institucional: la diversificación de su oferta educativa (programas para ejecutivos, maestrías especializadas, doctorado); la internalización (convenios de intercambio y doble grado, viajes de estudio al exterior, redes internacionales); su desarrollo tecnológico, iniciado con la fundación de ESAN/Data; el papel de la investigación, la innovación y las publicaciones; las acreditaciones internacionales de calidad académica; el crecimiento de la infraestructura. Finalmente, narra la transformación de ESAN en Universidad, el 11 de julio de 2003, y la creación de las primeras carreras universitarias. Contiene secciones dedicadas a rendir homenaje a profesores emblemáticos y otros miembros destacados de la institución. Presenta saludos de personalidades del mundo empresarial y académico y cierra con un breve recuento de la ceremonia de celebración por los 50 añosÍtem Acceso Abierto La fundación de ESAN: una aventura académica(Universidad ESAN, 2013) Coleman, Alan B.Libro autobiográfico del decano fundador de ESAN. Narra los acontecimientos que dieron origen a la institución, desde el acuerdo inicial entre los Gobiernos del Perú y Estados Unidos, con la participación de la AID, hasta el compromiso y dedicación con que la Escuela de Negocios de la Universidad de Stanford asumió el encargo del Gobierno de su país de establecer una escuela de posgrado en negocios en el Perú. También jugó un papel importante en esta gesta, el empresariado peruano, que alentó la iniciativa de contar con un centro especializado en formación gerencial. Con fluidez y buen manejo de la palabra, el profesor Coleman desarrolla una trama interesante que sumerge al lector en una «aventura académica» —como bien la denomina— llena de vicisitudes. Describe con precisión las circunstancias y los hechos que rodearon la creación (1963) y los primeros años de ESAN (mediados de 1966), transmite las reflexiones y los sentimientos que le suscita toda esta experiencia, la cual tuvo un gran significado para su vida, su familia y sus colegas de Stanford. Muestra a un hombre que se enfrenta a las inquietudes y dudas que lo asaltan, pero también a alguien resuelto, que dirige y toma decisiones, que admira al Perú y a su cultura. Al final, se despide con la esperanza de que ESAN se convierta en un modelo de educación superior en nuestro país. El libro contiene un epílogo en el que se describe la transformación de ESAN en Universidad ESAN en el año 2013.Ítem Solo Metadatos Retos de la gestión pública: presupuesto por resultados y rendición de cuentas(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-10-30) Franciskovic, JubitzaDocument searches draw attention to the need to discuss, theoretically and practically, the challenges that must be faced by public administration in the management of preparing a budget by results and accountability, particularly when taking into account the useful tools in the process of ensuring “good government”. To do this, a conceptual analysis of both tools was performed. Firstly, the management by results approach is presented, along with the challenges that this new framework involves for the public administration in relation to the optimisation of the use of public resources, to ensure a transparent and equitable process and to improve the performance of public bodies, becoming the basis for better accountability (the second aspect analysed in the document). Accountability becomes a challenge, on being an effective means of monitoring and sanctions between society and government, through which the public servants have to respond, explain and justify their actions, subjected to an ethical and juridical order, to the completing of objectives. It is here where the direct participation by the civil society is fundamental for the evaluation of the results. The document analyses these concepts at a time when our country has the improvement in the quality of public spending as a national priority. Thus, the results approach in the budget preparation has to be considered, by those responsible for economic policy, such as a key mechanism to achieve this, and in turn accountability is particularly linked, to the push that it attempt to give to social policy, as an important element in the administration for the management of public funds, which can help to ensure the effectiveness and transparency of these processes.Ítem Solo Metadatos The relevance of using accounting fundamentals in the Mexican stock market(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-10-30) Dorantes Dosamantes, Carlos AlbertoThis paper examines the value relevance of accounting fundamentals in the Mexican Stock Market ([BMV] – Bolsa Mexicana de Valores). The research question that motivated the paper was: Can accounting fundamentals provide relevant information to better understand firm value? More specifically, the paper examines whether the application of an accounting fundamental strategy to select stocks of a portfolio can systematically yield significant and positive excess market buy-and-hold returns after one and two years of portfolio formation. Based on valuation theory, accounting research and the maturity level of the BMV, a set of accounting fundamental signals is proposed that reflects information that influences security prices, but not necessarily in a timely manner. Using quarterly financial and market data from 196 BMV stocks from 1991 to 2011, it is shown that after controlling for earnings, book-to-market ratio and firm size, the fundamental strategy proposed here provides value information relevant to investors. The relationship between the accounting fundamental signals proposed and the buy-and-hold market future return (one-year and two-year returns) is significant and positive considering the 1991-2011 period. Portfolios formed with high scores of these signals show an average of 1.62% market excess annual return between 1991 and 2011, and about 9% between 1997 and 2011. Besides the practical implication of the findings –e.g. the possibility mispriced securities– this paper contributes to the scarce accounting research in Latin American capital markets by furthering understanding of the “post-earnings” drift phenomenon in the BMV.Ítem Solo Metadatos Estudio del efecto tamaño en el mercado bursátil colombiano(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-10-30) Duarte Duarte, Juan Benjamín; Ramírez León, Zulay Yesenia; Mascareñas Pérez-Iñigo, Juan ManuelIn this paper we analyze the historical returns of the companies listed on the Colombian stock exchange, from January 2004 until June 2012, in order to determine the possible presence of a risk premium in smaller companies relative to larger ones. This premium is known as Size Effect and it has been found that it is significant after adjusting of risk by Capital Asset Pricing Model. The results obtained in this work for the stock market in Colombia do not show the presence of an additional risk premium due to the size of enterprises, rejecting both size effect and reverse size effect.Ítem Solo Metadatos Evaluación del impacto de la política de incentivos sectoriales en el desarrollo de los municipios mineros de Castilla y León(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2012-12-30) Berumen, Sergio A.It is discussed whether the policy of incentives to the mining sector is or is not appropriate. Proponents argue that thanks to this the municipalities have greater opportunities to develop, while detractors argue that it makes no sense to channel resources into an industry without a future. In this paper we have proposed to evaluate the impact of the aid generated within the Coal Plan 1998–2005, the National Strategic Coal Reserve Plan 2006–2012, and the Structural Funds of the European Union 2000–2006 in twelve selected socioeconomic variables in the 105 municipalities of Castilla y León between 1998 and 2010.Ítem Solo Metadatos Spatial equilibrium, market integration and price exogeneity in dry fish marketing in Nigeria: A vector auto-regressive (VAR) approach(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2012-12-30) Mafimisebi, Taiwo E.Fish is the cheapest animal protein source in Nigeria, and dry fish in particular has the potential to solve the pervasive protein shortage problem owing to its relative affordability compared with fresh fish. Boosting dry fish consumption will entail retail price reduction which is achievable only if the market for dry fish operates efficiently. This study, after testing and correcting price series for non-stationarity, modelled marketing efficiency in 66 pairs of spatially separated markets. The unit root test was used to reveal the order of econometric integration of the price series. All price series showed non-stationarity at their levels (P<0.05), but on first-differencing, they all rejected the null hypothesis of non-stationarity. This confirmed that they were generated by the same stochastic processes and, thus, capable of exhibiting long-run spatial equilibrium. The vector auto-regressive test showed that 59.1% of the markets had prices which were spatially integrated on the long-run. The Granger-causality model revealed that prices in Bauchi, Akure, Makurdi and Kano markets were driving prices in other locations. Kano market exhibited very strong exogeneity while others were either strongly or weakly exogenous. It is concluded that there is low extent of spatial pricing efficiency in Nigeria's dry fish market. The study recommended improved market infrastructures, improved information collection, collation and dissemination, and decisive policy reforms aimed at lowering retail price at the identified leader markets, as ways of enhancing spatial pricing efficiency.Ítem Solo Metadatos Rendimiento ex-dividendo como indicador de eficiencia en un mercado emergente: caso colombiano 1999–2007(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2012-12-30) Arroyave C, Elizabeth T.; Agudelo R., Diego A.We study the ex-dividend return in the Colombian stock market between 1999 and 2007, period that includes the merger of the former three Colombian stock exchanges in the Bolsa de Valores de Colombia in July 2001. Contrary to the Efficient Market Hypothesis, we found positive and statistically significant ex-dividend returns in the sampled period, only in part explained by transaction cost and tax effects. Moreover, even subtracting transaction costs and tax effects, a dividend capture strategy would have gotten positive and economically sizable returns between 2006 and 2007 in the most liquid stocks. The decrease of those ex-dividend returns is also reported along the studied period, providing evidence of increasing informational efficiency after the merger of the three stock exchanges. Methodologically, this study highlights the importance of accounting for frictions in both academic efficiency studies and in testing speculative strategies by practitioners.Ítem Solo Metadatos The twin deficits hypothesis and reverse causality: A short-run analysis of Peru(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Sobrino, César R.This study examines causation between the current account and the fiscal surplus and fiscal spending for a commodity-based economy, Peru. Using quarterly data for the open economy, the outcomes reject the twin deficits hypothesis. Instead, the evidence points strongly to reverse causality, that is, the current account causes the fiscal account. However, unlike previous empirical evidence on this subject, for a year, the reverse causality indicates a negative causation because the fiscal consumption is not smoothed when positive permanent shocks to the current account occur. In the short run, the fiscal policy has no effect on the current account, but improvements in the current account increase the probability of attaining a lower bounded fiscal deficit. This evidence is consistent with a small open commodity-based economy that is highly exposed and sensitive to external price shocks.Ítem Solo Metadatos Perceptions of professionals interested in accounting and auditing about acceptance and adaptation of global financial reporting standards(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-06-30) Bozkurt, Orhan; İslamoğlu, Mehmet; Öz, YaşarNowadays, one of the final aims of the institutions working on transparency and standardization of financial statements, and the publication of standards related to the profession of accounting & auditing has been to put into practice a uniform global set of standards which will be applicable in finance. Before 2000, in the case of a preference between IFRS & US GAAP regarding which should be internationally accepted uniform set of application, world public opinion used to accept U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP) as reference. Today, great majority of the world takes IFRS as a reference. This study contains evaluations related to the results of research on the thoughts & perceptions of the professionals interested in accounting and auditing about application and development of international financial reporting standards as national financial reporting standards. As a result of the research, it was determined that those interested in accounting and auditing see significant advantages in the application of IFRS. Accountants and auditors think that in case IFRS is applied, comprehensibility and reliability of financial statements shall increase, at the same time accounting frauds shall decrease.