2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 10
  • Miniatura
    The specific factors of heterogeneity characterizing investors' beliefs
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2024-03-30) Chenini, Hajer; Jarboui, Anis
    Purpose: A separate study of the different behavioral biases does not allow for a full understanding of the complexity and stability of the heterogeneity of beliefs. Therefore, through a more global view of these anomalies, the authors wish to show that they can converge on a single concept, which is the heterogeneity of beliefs. Design/methodology/approach: It is therefore essential to stress that the importance of this study is mainly reflected in the methodological approach used in the construction and analysis of the map and not only in the results achieved. This contribution states that structural analysis, as a means of building the cognitive map, can facilitate the task of investors and other decision-makers, in the identification and analysis of the heterogeneity of beliefs that can therefore guide investors' strategy in decision-making. Findings: The authors have studied the behavior of the investor and its way of interpreting the information and the authors have emphasized the value of studying the concept of heterogeneity of beliefs in its complexity. So that part of the work seems to be relevant and crucial to filling, if you will, that void. In this sense, the authors have shown that behavioral abnormalities are multidimensional concepts: “self-deception”, “cognitive bias”, “emotional bias” and “social bias”. Originality/value: In particular, this article will aim to achieve the objective of proposing a model for measuring the heterogeneity of beliefs. Thus, the authors want to show that the heterogeneity of beliefs can be measured directly through the different behavioral anomalies.
  • Miniatura
    Institutional ownership, earnings management and earnings surprises: evidence from 39 years of U.S. data
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2023-12-11) Davis, Justin G.; Garcıa-Cestona, Miguel
    Purpose: As the influence of institutional investors over managerial decision-making grows, so does the importance of understanding the effect of institutional investor ownership (IO) on firm outcomes. The authors take a comprehensive approach to studying the effect of IO on earnings management (EM). Design/methodology/approach: The authors study the relation between IO and EM using a sample of 59,503 listed U.S. firm-year observations from 1981–2019. The authors proxy EM with earnings surprises and with accrual-based and real activity measures. The authors test for nonlinear relations and analyze changes resulting from the passage of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act. Findings: The findings support a positive IO-EM relation overall, but show that the relation is dynamic and heavily context-dependent with evidence of nonlinearity. The authors also find evidence that IO positively affects accrual-based EM and real activities EM negatively. Originality/value: To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study of the IO-EM relation to consider evidence of nonlinearity in the U.S. context, measuring changes to the relation over time, and with the use of several measures of EM.
  • Miniatura
    Institutional investors, corporate governance, and earnings management around merger: Evidence from French absorbing firms
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2013-12-30) Njah, Mouna; Jarboui, Anis
    This paper examines the association between institutional ownership and the earnings management beha-vior of some French absorbing firms. Using a sample of 76 French mergers and absorptions concluded over the period ranging from 2000 to 2010, we undertake to present some empirical evidence highlighting that absorbing-firms manipulate earnings relevant to the year preceding the merger-offer in the presence of institutional cross-holding. However, the presence of active institutions turns out to limit the managerial accruals discretion. The monitoring role exerted by the active-institutional investors does restrict the oppor-tunities of earnings management around mergers and acquisitions. Further analyses suggest that the average value of discretionary accruals with regards to the absorbing firms proves to be influenced by the nature of merger deal (takeover vs. restructuring).
  • Miniatura
    Fusiones y adquisiciones en Latinoamérica, gobierno corporativo y modelo gravitacional
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2014-12-30) Vasco, Mateo; Cortés, Lina M.; Gaitán, Sandra; Durán, Iván A.
    In this study, and by making use of a gravity model, an analysis is made on whether transnational mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are influenced by the corporate governance standards of a country. The study only focuses on the M&A flows from the OECD countries towards Latinamerican economies, as well as using the Kaufmann indicators for measuring, among others, the corporate governance of a country. Evidence is found that the gravity model is explicative of the M&A flows, and that the better the level of corporate governance at both origin and destination countries, the greater is the M&As activity.
  • Miniatura
    Corporate governance characteristics and valuation: inferences from quantile regression
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2016-12-01) Shawtari, Fekri Ali; Salem, Milad Abdelnabi; Hussain, Hafezali Iqbal; Alaeddin, Omar; Bin Thabit, Omer
    Prior literature on corporate governance and performance provides mixed evidence on the impact ofvarious corporate governance measures on performance indicators. However, most of literatures adoptthe Ordinary Least Square (OLS). This method is based on the central tendency, which may not appro-priately represent the reality in cases where the dependent variable ranges between upper and lowervalues and hence the relationship may not be homogenous across different percentiles of the dependentvariables. A variable having a positive impact based on the central tendency for firms may not be the casefor the firms in the upper or lower bounds. Thus, estimating the means using OLS may not reflect andrepresent the heterogeneity in the estimated relationship. Therefore, quantile regression estimates therelationship at any point conditional on the distribution of dependent variable. This would enable us togenerate various estimated coefficient at certain quantile of dependent variable. Therefore, the objectiveof the study is twofold. First, this study aims to investigate the relationship between corporate gover-nance and performance using OLS. Second, this work further explores the impact of corporate governancemechanisms on performance using quantile regression so as to compare and to shed light on whetherthere is heterogeneity in the influence of these variables on the performance of listed companies acrossquantiles. The results of the study provide evidence that quantile approach shows inconsistency in theresult with OLS and hence indicating the impact depends on the scale size. This theoretically providesfurther support that OLS may represent a poor estimation approach for the reality of firms.
  • Miniatura
    Microfinancing, governance, and performance: a South Asian perspective
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-12-01) Saeed, Asif; Javed, Attiya Y.; Noreen, Umara
    Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the relationship between microfinance institutions (MFIs) governance and performance. Design/methodology/approach – Using a sample of 215 MFIs from six South Asian countries over the period from 2005 to 2009, the authors examine the effect of chief executive officer (CEO) duality, board size, female CEO, urban market coverage, bank regulation and lending type on financial and social performance of MFIs. Findings – The findings provide evidence that, on the one hand, empowered CEO, large board size and individual lending improve the MFI financial performance and, on another hand, bank regulation and serving in the urban market have a significant association with MFIs’social performance. In an additional analysis, the authors also test this relationship before, during and after the financial crisis of 2007. During crisis period, MFIs’ individual lending reduces the operational cost and bank regulation increases the average loan size in South Asian MFIs. Originality/value– Those studies that are presented in the literature review conclude their result on the bases of global, European, East African and specific to some countries sample. There is no study presented in the whole literature on South Asian sample, in which all countries really face the problem of poverty.
  • Miniatura
    Corporate governance and business innovation among listed Moroccan companies
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2020-06-01) Samlal, Zoubida
    Purpose: This paper aims to clarify the relationship between corporate governance (GOV) and business innovation (INOV). Does it provide the empirical evidence of how different GOV mechanisms affect INOV within listed Moroccan companies? Design/methodology/approach: The paper opted for a confirmatory quantitative study using a closedended questionnaire using a fifth-degree Likert scale. The questionnaire was administered to 54 listed Moroccan firms represented by their senior management having mainly a finance and economics background. Findings: The paper provides empirical insights and evidence about how mechanisms of GOV impact INOV within listed Moroccan companies. It suggests that effective mechanisms of GOV foster and incubate INOV. Research limitations/implications: There have been very empirical studies that investigate the relationship between GOV and innovation. As such, the authors’ conceptual framework relies more on the theoretical aspect of this subject than empirical one. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to test the proposed propositions further. Originality/value: A review of the few existing empirical studies shows mitigated results regarding the relation between GOV and innovation. The findings of this study show a significant positive relation between GOV and its mechanisms and INOV.
  • Miniatura
    Effects of activist shareholding on corporate social responsibility reporting practices: an empirical study in Spain
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2012-06-30) Prado-Lorenzo José Manuel; García-Sánchez Isabel María; Gallego-Álvarez Isabel
    New business practices are mainly characteristic of large firms especially those quoted on the stock market. Listed companies show a higher commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices because capital markets allow activists to become a firm's socially oriented shareholders. These actors although small in number have a significant influence over other larger block-holders. Recent decades have witnessed a significant increase in societal pressure to control the behavior of companies owing to the risks deriving from the economic social and environmental effects of their business activity. The aim of this work is to test the effect that CSR activist shareholders have on the decision to disclose corporate social responsibility information in the Spanish context controlling for the rest of the dimensions in Ullmann's theoretical framework.
  • Miniatura
    The effect of ownership composition on earnings management: evidence for the Mexican stock exchange
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2018-12-01) San Martin Reyna, Juan Manuel
    Purpose – This paper aims to examine the relationship between different types of shareholders that command share ownership family institutions or external block holders and earnings management. In addition it examines the effect of company size on earnings management. Design/methodology/approach – The sample includes 67 companies listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange for the period 2005-2015. The sample composition is quite industry-balanced. A cross-sectional version of the Jones model (1991) is to measure the earnings management. The GMM (generalized method of moments) model is also estimated. Findings – The results show that family and institutional ownership reduce the earnings management but the impact is different depending on the company size. Research limitations/implications – The results show that there is a clear relationship between increasing participation of family and institutional investors and a reduction in earnings management. This is consistent with the literature that establishes that ownership is an effective regulatory mechanism that limits earnings management through closer supervision and involvement in management. Practical/implications – For companies’ corporate governance and regulatory authorities the results of this study may serve to improve the decision-making. Originality/value – This study shows that ownership structure can provide corporate governance in Mexican listed companies with different monitoring and control capacities to influence companies’ strategies particularly in relation to the discretion of earnings management.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Impacto del gobierno corporativo en la rentabilidad de los bancos del Perú
    (Universidad ESAN, 2019) Cornejo, Rene; Dávila, José; Benavente, Peggy; Carbajal, Diony; Eche, Carolina
    La crisis financiera del 2007 puede verse como un colapso del gobierno corporativo (GC), lo que sugiere que los directores no comprendieron de manera adecuada los riesgos financieros. Pero las fallas del GC no solo se relacionaron con la crisis. Desde hacía algunos años habían ocurrido escándalos corporativos que mostraron debilidades de gobernabilidad debidas a mecanismos de control inadecuados e ineficaces, a la inadecuada función de supervisión de los directores y al hecho de que las personas responsables de la empresa no cumplieran sus obligaciones para con los accionistas. En general, los bancos están expuestos a una mayor asimetría de información de su personal y de sus accionistas, en comparación con instituciones no financieras, además de estar sujetos a un gran número de regulaciones. A ello hay que añadir tres razones que incrementan la importancia del GC en los bancos de los países en desarrollo: los bancos tienen una posición dominante en el sistema financiero, suelen ser la fuente más importante de financiamiento para la mayor parte de empresas (sirven de vehículo para la aplicación de la política monetaria) y resultan los principales depositarios de los ahorros de la economía. Segú la OCDE, la debilidad de la estructura de gestión bancaria conduce a la desestabilización del sistema financiero y trae más riesgos para la economía nacional, pues los bancos están más expuestos a riesgos de gestión de los depósitos bancarios, disfrutan con sus acreedores de medidas de protección brindadas por el gobierno, (seguros sobre depósitos y reservas de liquidez) y están sujetos a numerosos sistemas y regulaciones que son un elemento importante y crucial para garantizar una gobernanza bancaria sana. Por estas razones, el GC del sector bancario requiere un enfoque especial y ha sido un área creciente de investigación y debate, sin haberse llegado a un consenso sobre su impacto en el desempeño de las empresas. En este contexto, la presente investigación busca validar un marco teórico que explique los mecanismos del GC en la banca múltiple del Perú, ubicar las variables más importantes que inciden en su desempeño y determinar su posible relación y significado en la rentabilidad de los bancos. Para ello se analiza información pública de 16 bancos comerciales del Perú en el periodo 2008-2016. El análisis se centra en los mecanismos internos del GC, por considerarlos de mayor relevancia en el impacto sobre la rentabilidad de los bancos del sistema financiero peruano.