2. Publicaciones
URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068
Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional
4 resultados
Resultados de la búsqueda
Ítem Solo Metadatos Calidad total: solución empresarial(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-03-30) D'Alessio Ipinza, FernandoIt presents the fundamentals of the total quality strategy, in the understanding of how beneficial the implementation of this strategy is by generating valuable effects on the entire organization. It summarizes the modern concepts used by Japanese companies in administration, influenced by three North Americans: Deming, Juran and Crosby, and shows the evolution of thinking about quality based on the contribution of these authors. The central part of the article is dedicated to the philosophy of Edward Deming, the highest exponent of the modern concept of quality, for which the concepts developed by this author are explained: the fourteen points, the seven deadly diseases, the obstacles to good management and the importance of the use of graphics to objectively represent the information required for decision making. The article encourages innovation in business management, warning senior management about the traditional myopia manifested in conservative management and making them see the favorable effects that the modern concept of quality would have on their organization.Ítem Solo Metadatos Competitividad sostenible de la pequeña empresa: un modelo de promoción de capacidades endógenas para promover ventajas competitivas sostenibles y alta productividad(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-06-30) Vargas, Braulio; Del Castillo, CarlosIn the past three decades, the competitiveness and productivity of the small enterprise have been favored by the government, business action and technical cooperation, which have made signifi cant contributions regarding promotion, development and provision of technical assistance. In the developing economies of the Asia Pacifi c region, these efforts are explained by the fact that the small enterprise contributes without question, to job generation, local economic dynamics, collective effi ciency of business network, and economic growth. In the economies of the region, most contributions have been channeled through public policies with a focus on capacity building. Nevertheless, according to preliminary studies in the main business clusters in Peru, the government’s promotion actions have not had a steady effect in competitiveness and productivity. Evidence suggests that business development services have a limited effect as they depend solely on external interventions. In contrast, successful entrepreneurship relies more on endogenous capacities. This article introduces a framework of promotion of the productivity and sustained competitiveness in the small enterprise, laying stress on endogenous capacities and an effi cient arrangement of external interventions.Ítem Solo Metadatos Perspectivas del Estado en el ejercicio de nuevas políticas públicas en el Perú: Una revisión panorámica de las políticas promotoras del crecimiento económico(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2006-06-30) Pisfil Capuñay, MiguelThe purpose of this study is finding factual elements and systematizing theoretical guidelines which contribute to the understanding of the circumstantial relationship between the State –with its institutions– and civil society as well as shedding light on the total separation existing between these two groups in social and political contexts. Particularly we have tried to systematize the principal public policies which have a close relationship with economic growth identify which work efficiently or not in allocating public resources report on some Latin-American experiences on the successful implementation of public policies and outline new policies for our country which aim at promoting an articulated social approach for the structuring of a national strategy for productive development. Given its high impact in both social and economic fronts these new policies shall become pivots for the traditional policies (sectorial and social).Ítem Solo Metadatos Políticas de fomento a la competitividad de la pequeña empresa(Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-06-30) Vargas, BraulioIn 2003 the Peruvian government launched a second wave of decentralization and devolution initiatives to the sub-national governments. The move aimed at fostering development, economic growth and job creation with a strong focus on small companies. However, evidence shows these efforts failed because properly planned policies linked to development objectives were lacking. A reference framework is proposed to design local policies that will add economic momentum, relate the local business network to external systems, and create wellbeing by fostering small business competitiveness. To help identify several types of development measures, the paper proposes to take account of the relation between the business activity and its territory, the key factors of success of innovative companies, and the business’s life cycle as related to the potential for innovation and growth.