2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 61
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Estadística aplicada a los negocios: problemas y soluciones
    (Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados, 1990) Goethals, Yves; Timaná De la Flor, Juan
    Trata de satisfacer la necesidad de los estudiantes de estadística que buscan reforzar sus conocimientos mediante un entrenamiento práctico. A diferencia de otros textos, que presentan problemas pero que a lo sumo proporcionan la respuesta correcta, este libro desarrolla y explica detalladamente los problemas propuestos. Se pretende, de esta forma, que su valor didáctico sea mayor. Si bien el contenido se ha orientado al área de los negocios, los estudiantes de otras disciplinas también lo encontrarán útil por su aplicación de conceptos teóricos al mundo real, pues especial atención se puso a la presentación de casos reales que ilustraran la complejidad socioeconómica del Perú. Tal esfuerzo llevó a utilizar el inti como unidad monetaria. Adicionalmente, los precios y costos fueron actualizados al año 1987, a fin de obtener mayor uniformidad en el texto. El libro está dividido en dos partes, la primera comprende los enunciados de los problemas, y la segunda, las soluciones. Se pone énfasis en el análisis e interpretación de la información estadística, evitándose los cálculos que resultan engorrosos. En los temas en que el cálculo intenso resultaba indispensable, se ha hecho uso del computador, utilizando el paquete estadístico MINITAB.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Agronegocios en la costa peruana: desarrollo de cultivos de exportación
    (Escuela de Administración de Negocios para Graduados, 1990) Gallo, Mario; Vera, José Carlos
    Busca señalar el potencial productivo de la agricultura y la agroindustria de la costa peruana en el corto plazo. Parte de conocer cuáles son las características y cualidades de los factores productivos y su dotación, de modo que, sin incrementarlos, mediante un mejor uso y combinación de estos se pueda aumentar significativamente la productividad y, por ende, la producción. Para ello es importante que se trabaje con las mejores áreas agrícolas, definidas por la calidad de suelos, las condiciones climáticas y la dotación de agua, y que, simultáneamente, se logre un manejo moderno de las técnicas de cultivo y de la capacidad de gestión empresarial en las unidades agropecuarias. Se analiza la cadena de valor de seis productos: mango, limón. maracuyá, cebolla, ajo y olivo, cultivados en las tierras agrícolas de mejor calidad. Como resultado, se identifican los diversos eslabones de la cadena —desde la producción hasta el consumo o exportación— que actualmente constituyen cuellos de botella o significan niveles de ineficiencia que impiden que los productos satisfagan las condiciones de calidad, oportunidad y precio necesarias para ser competitivos en los mercados internacionales. El estudio demuestra que la agroindustria es una actividad rentable si se aplican métodos y técnicas apropiados durante la producción, transformación, comercialización y en la gestión empresarial. Asimismo, ha permitido desarrollar una metodología para llevar a cabo el análisis de la cadena de valor y determinar la rentabilidad del producto.
  • Miniatura
    Las interacciones entre los países del AFTA y de la APEC y sus influencias en la región
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Daquila, Teófilo C.
    It attempts to trace and identify the divergences of ASEAN and APEC member countries with respect to the three areas of work agreed upon by ABPEC at the 1993 Seattle Summit: trade liberalization, trade facilitation and economic cooperation; differences that are explained, among other reasons, buy the different degrees of economic development achieved, different industrialization policies and different tariff structures. It is concluded that, within ASEAN, member countries differ in the speed of the trade liberalization process and in the allocation of industrial projects in the pursuit of industrial cooperation. Within APEC, countries have different points of view and interact differently in terms of focus, timelines, trade blockade issues, and open regionalism. But in both cases, countries converge on the need to achieve liberalization and openness to trade and investment.
  • Miniatura
    El papel de la región de la ASEAN en la futura economía global
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Daquila, Teófilo C.
    Provides a retrospective assessment of ASEAN’s role in the last 30 years, and analysis of current issues and some trends or prospects for its future in relation to the global economy. He points out that this region has positioned itself as the third most important region in exports, imports and investments, while, in the political aspect, due to its strategic location, it provides security and stability to the world and the Asia Pacific region. He analyzes the factors that impact the role of ASEAN: regional trade agreements in the world, its relations with Europe, the APEC forum and the WTO. He also describes his measures to liberalize this commercialization of goods, services and investment, his response to the financial crisis and to political security problems. It is concluded that the global economy is heading towards freedom of trade and investment, while ASEAN will continue to grow dynamically and become an important factor in the economic and political role.
  • Miniatura
    Oportunidades agroindustriales en la Cuenca del Pacífico
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Bailey, William C.; Norina, Lidia V.
    Compares the possibilities of New Zealand and Peru in export agriculture and agribusiness, in which both countries have great potential. He considers that, to remain competitive internationally, both countries must stop exporting raw materials and replace them with products with higher added value. It analyzes the situation and the expected evolution of four New Zealand export products: meat, milk and derivatives, venison and kiwi, and argues that the central aspect to take advantage of the challenges and opportunities in agribusiness is to never forget the importance of the consumer and the consumption patterns, as the importance given to products sensitive to the environment is growing. As possible strategies, mention is made of taking advantage of the comparative advantages offered by nature, developing products specifically destined for the export market, protecting natural resources while maintaining the international competitiveness of agribusiness.
  • Miniatura
    Los camiones checos
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Solano Cornejo, David; Vargas Espinal, Ida Luz
    Paico Peru is a subsidiary of an Asian automotive company and is dedicated to the import and sale of cheap cars in Peru. The model that concentrates the highest percentage of sales is the Miso, aimed at socioeconomic levels C and D. Due to the saturation of the main Miso market and new laws that regulate the importation of used cars, an unsatisfied market has been created, So Paico has increased its product portfolio by launching new models aimed at a higher socioeconomic class. The company is currently in a quandary as the board is considering importing a new low-cost truck model that would reinforce the image that Paico sells cheap and low-quality cars, negatively impacting the recent product line.
  • Miniatura
    El "Cercano Oeste" de los Estados Unidos: las economías dinámicas de Asia del Este
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Drobnick, Richard
    It examines the process of opening up Asian markets to US participation, which occurred as a result of technological, ideological and individual changes. These changes contribute to regional economic integration, reason for which US companies doing business in Asia should develop regional strategies and not view Asian countries as completely separate markets. Five factors are pointed out that explain the growth of exports of US companies to East Asia: increasing competitiveness in prices, increasing competitiveness in the quality of goodness, increasing openness of Asian markets, corporate commitments to international business opportunities, and continued high economic growth in Asian markets. It is concluded that US organizations should learn about the cultural and institutional characteristics of Asian markets in order to be able to interact more effectively with Asian partners and competitors.
  • Miniatura
    ¿Qué hacemos con nuestro hotel?
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Llosa de Cárdenas, Fernando
    Case study of a luxury hotel built in downtown Cusco in the late 1940s, when tourism in that city gained great momentum due to the global spread of the archaeological heritage located nearby. The business was success, but in the 1970s demand and revenues began to decline. The situation did not improve until 1993, when after years of accumulated debts, the hotel began to recover income, which allowed it to stay without major investments. Shortly after, the owner passed away, leaving a dilapidated hotel for his three sons. Now they must decide what to do with the hotel: sell it, rent it or operate it themselves or in association with another company. Unable to reach an agreement, they hire specialist consultants in the field to make a better decision. The case includes financial information and a summary of the consulting firm's study.
  • Miniatura
    ¡Pongan de cabeza a ese santo!
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Bouroncle Caro, Antonio; Ampuero Cárdenas, Ada
    It is a case study on the creation, growth and transformation of a medical center into a clinic. Its trajectory follows the rhythm of the country's economic situation, it opens new services when demand increases, which it finances with contributions from new partners and then with loans. When you go through an economic situation that can turn into insolvency, not all partners agree on the causes. Likewise, important changes in the market, such as the creation of new health service organizations and the entry of other competitors, generate solution proposals. Among others, the adoption of a total quality system is accepted. Ten months after its implementation, the situation does not improve and opinions on the effects of the program are divided. An advisor points out that the clinic's problem is financial. The case describes problems in the operation of the clinic and includes an annex section containing the financial statements for the last three years and information on bed occupancy.
  • Miniatura
    Envasadora Centauro S.A.
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Polar Hinojosa, Julio
    The Alfa group, an industrial conglomerate with activities in the agricultural, mining and textile sectors, has been looking for the opportunity to enter a new sector and market: the fishing industry. Currently, one of his clients has proposed, in exchange for paying off a debt, the sale of Envasadora Centauro, which gives him the opportunity to enter this sector. The packer is dedicated to the manufacture of fishmeal and fish oil, used mainly in animal feed, and has a small share in a stable growth global market. In addition, its financial situation has been weakening and it faces state regulations that complicate increased production. To make the decision whether or not to acquire the bottling company, the Alfa group board is evaluating the current situation of the fishing sector, the fishmeal and fish oil market, as well as the company's strengths and weaknesses.