2. Publicaciones

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4068

Las publicaciones de ESAN reúnen una variedad de materiales académicos y prácticos que abarcan áreas fundamentales como la administración, economía, negocios, entre otros. Con enfoque en la formación y el desarrollo profesional, estas obras buscan contribuir al conocimiento y la innovación en diversas disciplinas; asimismo, proporciona información relevante y actualizada para la comunidad académica y empresarial en el ámbito local e internacional


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 7 de 7
  • Miniatura
    Tendencias y asuntos económicos asiáticos emergentes
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1997-12-30) Yamazawa, Ippei
    Despite the continued high growth of the economies of East and Southeast Asian countries, referred to as the "East Asian miracle", the growth of these economies slowed down in 1996 compared to the previous two years. In view of this, it is suggested that high growth in the region will return in the medium or long term if five conditions are met: (i) structural changes in Asian production and trade, which will generate high productivity growth; (ii) economic opening policies, which include not only greater access to technology and foreign capital, but also increased competitiveness and efficiency; (iii) joint liberalization efforts, which will contribute to the rapid industrialization of the countries in the region by providing capital, technology and export markets; (iv) stabilization of the monetary system, so that exchange rates adjust flexibly and a stable flow of funds is maintained; and (v) resolution of environmental pollution and unstable and insufficient energy and food supplies, which create bottlenecks and impede continued high growth.
  • Miniatura
    Laboratorio Burbujas de Amor
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 1992-09-30) Ortega Meneses, Luis
    In the present case study, the shrimp larvae laboratory «Bubbles of Love», dedicated for providing larvae of this crustacean to shrimp companies, receives the proposal to supply a large company of the field, which would involve almost doubling its current production, but its installed capacity only allows it to increase by 25%. Therefore, if they decide to serve a new customer, they must find out how to finance the necessary investment for the expansion of facilities. The general conditions of the customer’s proposal, the background of the organization, the characteristics of the industry, the marketing of the product, the characteristics of the environment and different financing options are presented as well. The resolution of the case requires analyzing the information provided in order to determine the actual situation of the company and its financial capacity, the evaluation of different sources of financing as well, too.
  • Miniatura
    Ambiente y TLC: el pacto de gobernabilidad
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2007-12-30) Rosell, Mónica
    This paper aims at providing, from a sustainable development perspective, an idea about the direction our country will take once the US-Peru FTA is enforced, regarding particularly the environmental, trade and investment areas. The signing of the FTA has led Peru to leave behind a view of the environment vision as a moral and ethical (some times marginal) component of economic relations, to turn it into a regulatory and mandatory consideration overlapping trade and investment to such an extent that failure to comply may lead to sanctions as severe as those pertaining to other matters related to for instance access to or permanence in a given market. Even so, it is worthwhile mentioning that the FTA is only an initial component of a more complex and broad multilateral scenario that recognizes in the environment an essential element of international economic relations.
  • Miniatura
    Integración económica en América Latina: la visión teórica de la CEPAL confrontada con la evolución del proyecto en la región
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2011-12-30) Vázquez López, Raúl
    This article tracks the main ECLAC ideas over the economic integration in Latin American underlying the change of the ideological background of ECLAC towards an orthodox sense during the nineties. When comparing those ideas with the evolution of intraregional trade in recent years, empirical evidence shows that elements that have historically hindered the projected progress are still present but in more complex forms related to the current dynamics of the international economy. In particular, the implicit management of a partial integration by transnational companies has resulted in unequal relationships between countries and in a wider use from the mentioned process by the strongest economies. The article ends, then, seeking to revitalize the pioneer ideas of ECLAC and proposes guidelines for the construction of an alternative integrationist project that supports the need of exceeding the purely commercial aspects of integration.
  • Miniatura
    Little value creation, articulation and propagating forces: a hypothesis for the Mexican manufacturing sector
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2015-12-01) Roca Tavella, Santiago; Simabuko N., Luis
    This paper evaluates the impact of Mexican trade and productive integration processes during the last 20 years. It finds evidence that growing per capita income in Mexico is directly related to its “trade opening”, but is inversely related to the growth of its manufacturing export industry. Specifically, for each point of growth in “trade opening” (as a proportion of GDP) per capita income grew by 0.22%; while each point of increase in the share of industrial exports reduced income per person by 0.09%. To explain this apparent contradiction between the positive effect of “trade opening” and the negative impact of productive manufacturing specialization, we examined the characteristics of Mexico's industry. Results show that although Mexico's export-led industrialization successfully adapted to the world market and transformed its productive, business, organizational and technological structure, it did not translate into adequate macroeconomic benefits due to the absence of strong value dissemination forces over the rest of the economy. In this sense, poor internal linkages in the maquila industry, its high propensity to import, and its limited value added generation, among other elements, led the Mexican industry to operate as an export enclave. In those circumstances, manufacturing does not generates positive externalities nor articulations, nor strong disseminations that increase and multiplies value in other sectors of industry, thus limiting expansion effects and restraining or even reducing–under some specific circumstances–per capita income growth.
  • Miniatura
    El Indice de la Ventaja Comparativa Revelada (VCR) entre el Perú y los principales exportadores del mundo: el caso de la Región Lambayeque
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2009-06-30) Heredia Pérez, Jorge; Huarachi Chávez, Jorge
    This paper presents and applies a conceptual framework to regional Competitiveness using the Index of revealed competitiveness introduced by Balassa in 1965 for the Lambayeque Region in the northern part of Peru with the end to determine the products more competitive of this region. In the first part of the article the competitiveness review is presented from the Porter approach to Systemic Competitiveness. The advantage of this method is to identify the competitiveness of the regional products and services as a function of the import and export values of the country in contrast with the same values of the other countries in the world. The FAOSTAT data is used for that purpose. The results shown that the crop most competitive are the avocados, the bananas, mangoes, asparagus, dry chilies and coffee. Nevertheless when these products are compare with others countries such as Chile and Brazil only mangoes and asparagus are strongly competitive. However both products are considered commodities rather than value added products and its competitiveness lies in comparative advantage such as clime and soil.
  • Miniatura
    Impacto del sistema general de preferencias sobre los productos agroindustriales y pesqueros exportados por el Perú a Japón(1996-2005)
    (Universidad ESAN. ESAN Ediciones, 2008-06-30) Tomida Pérez, Mitsuko
    This paper studies how Peru was benefited from Japan’s Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) between 1996 and 2005. For this purpose we are including an econometric model which proves the effects of Japan’s GDP the variation in the wholesale price index in Peru the GSP ratio and the trade indicator on non-traditional exports between both countries. This research is mainly focused on analyzing the behavior of agro-industrial and fi shery products benefited from the GSP through statistic charts displaying the trends in non-traditional trade. A survey was conducted among to the sixty largest exporters to Japan to determine the awareness and spreading of this tariff benefit system among Peruvian exporters of non-traditional products. To enhance this paper we provide a matrix of potentials with a classification of Peruvian products exported to Japan in order to identify those that Peru might export according to demand.