3. Investigación

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4065

Esta colección reúne las contribuciones de acceso abierto realizadas por los docentes e investigadores de la Universidad ESAN, publicadas en fuentes académicas externas. Los trabajos aquí incluidos abarcan una amplia gama de temas de relevancia académica y profesional, y están orientados a fortalecer el conocimiento y el impacto de la investigación en diversas disciplinas. Estos estudios están disponibles para el público en general, promoviendo la difusión y el intercambio de conocimientos en beneficio de la comunidad académica y de la sociedad.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 271
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Responding to COVID-19: an exploration of EU country responses and directions for further research
    (BioMed Central Ltd, 2024-10-08) Rees, Gareth H.; Batenburg, Ronald; Scotter, Cris
    Background: During COVID-19, scientists advising policymakers were forced to deal with high uncertainty and risks in an environment of unknowns. Evidence on which policies and measures were effective in responding to the pandemic remains underdeveloped to answer the key question ‘what worked and why?’. This study aims to provide a basis for studies to go further to answer this critical question, by starting to look efficacy or how countries ensured that health services remained available and what measures were enacted to protect and treat their populations and workers. Methods: We applied a three-phase sequential mixed methods design. In phase one, we started with a qualitative content analysis of the EU Country Profile reports to retrieve and analyse data on COVID-19 responses taken by 29 countries in the European region. Phase two is the step of data transformation, converting qualitative data into numerical codes that can be statistically analysed, which are then used in a quantitative cross-national comparative analysis that comprises phase three. The quantifying process resulted in a numerical indicator to measure the ‘response efficacy’ of the 29 countries, which is used in phase three’s association of the response measure with country performance indicators that were derived from European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) COVID-19 case and death rate data. Results: Through comparing the frequency of COVID-19 measures taken, we found that many countries in the European region undertook similar actions but with differing effects. The cross-national analysis revealed an expected relationship: a lower COVID-19 response efficacy appeared to be related to a higher case and death rates. Still, marked variation for countries with similar response efficacy indicators was found, signalling that the combination and sequence of implementation of COVID-19 responses is possibly just as important as their efficacy in terms of which response measures were implemented. Conclusions: Many European countries employed similar COVID-19 measures but still had a wide variation in their case and death rates. To unravel the question ‘what worked and why?’, we suggest directions from which more refined research can be designed that will eventually contribute to mitigate the impact of future pandemics and to be better prepared for their economic and human burden.
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    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    On Cournot and Bertrand competition in collusive mixed Oligopolies
    (Springer Nature, 2024-11-01) Escrihuela-Villar, Marc; Guillén, Jorge
    We consider a mixed oligopoly of one public and N private firms where goods are horizontally differentiated. In our setting, an interdependent payoff structure characterizes the degree of collusion among private firms. We show that, whereas in the Bertrand model, private firms are willing to collude as much as possible, in the Cournot model, the existence of a public firm reduces the scope of collusion. We also prove that the classic discussion comparing price and quantity competition crucially depends on market collusion. More precisely, price competition unambiguously yields larger profits for private firms only if collusion is high enough. In an infinitely repeated game, we prove that collusion is easier to sustain in a larger oligopoly because, in this case, a larger N helps mitigate the effect of the public firm on private firms’ collusion sustainability. Finally, we also find that collusion is always more easily sustained in the Bertrand case than in the Cournot case.
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    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El acceso a la justicia de las poblaciones indígenas. Una necesidad desde el lenguaje
    (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2024-06-30) Hurtado, Giovana
    Indigenous populations face limitations in understanding the justice system due to linguistic and cultural barriers; therefore, the use of clear and accessible language is essential for them to be able to exercise their rights and participate effectively in judicial processes. Through a documentary review of the problems faced by indigenous populations in accessing justice, the strategies developed by the Peruvian Judiciary are described. It is stated that, despite the existence of regulations and policies that guarantee access to translators and interpreters in the judicial sphere, actions are limited and need to be strengthened. Strategies that remain in place over time are required, and that allow their impact to be measured in order to evaluate their relevance and effectiveness. It concludes that there is a need to develop a linguistic policy focused on justice, which includes incentives - in the training of lawyers from indigenous populations - as a mechanism for preserving indigenous languages. Likewise, the importance of carrying out linguistic planning in the administration of justice is highlighted in order to have operators who speak indigenous languages ​​in each judicial district, specialty and instance.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Factores que influyen en la rentabilidad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector gastronómico
    (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2024-12-16) Rodríguez Quezada, Estela; Hernández Jiménez, Araceli; Cáceda Quispe, Marisol; Barrantes Santos, Fanny Elcira; Cartes Cabrera, Carolina Ivón; Cofré Mella, Norma Alejandra
    The food sector has been one of the most affected economic areas due to the restrictions that were put in place to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 during the pandemic. The purpose of this body of research was to determine the factors that affected the profitability of Chilean small and medium-sized companies in the food sector, from a contingency perspective and from the standpoint of resources and capability. To do this, quantitative research was conducted with a sample of 59 companies. The results of the logistic regression analysis indicated that when firms made three or fewer workers redundant, the probability that their performance would improve or remain the same rose by 422%. On the other hand, for each additional decision the firm made, this likelihood fell by 51%. Technology and size were not relevant for these types of companies.
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    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Sociodemographic aspects, satisfaction, loyalty, and motivations in religious tourism
    (Taylor & Francis, 2024-09-26) Carvache-Franco, Mauricio; Regalado-Pezúa, Otto; Carvache-Franco, Orly; Carvache-Franco, Wilmer
    This research concentrated on pilgrimages within the context of religious tourism. It sought to accomplish the following goals: establish the main motivational factors in religious tourism, identify the relationship between sociodemographic aspects and motivations, and determine the relationship between the sociodemographic aspects of pilgrims with their satisfaction and loyalty. The study was conducted during the Christ of Miracles Pilgrimage in Lima, Peru. The sample consisted of 384 tourists who were surveyed on-site. The statistical techniques used included factorial and multiple regression analysis. The findings uncovered five motivational dimensions: religious experience, belief experience, escape experience, tourist experience, and shopping. The sociodemographic variables were correlated with the motivation for the escape experience, thus younger attendees, with higher educational levels or who attended the event fewer times had higher levels of motivation for the Escape. Age was correlated with satisfaction, older attendees were more satisfied and the number of attendees at the event was correlated with loyalty. The results will offer management recommendations for organizers of religious events and add valuable insights to the academic literature.
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    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Do Colombian food firms apply incoming open innovation?
    (Unilasallista Corporación Universitaria, 2025-01-13) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando
    Open innovation has garnered considerable attention from scholars over the last decade, particularly in low technology-intensive sectors, including the food business. This sector significantly influences the gross domestic product of developed and emerging nations and plays a crucial role in creating jobs. Our study used a quantitative structural equation method on 1,384 Colombian food enterprises. The findings suggest that employing the incoming open innovation strategy, enhanced by absorptive ability, promotes product innovation development in food firms. Empirical evidence demonstrates that absorptive capacity partially mediates the link between incoming open innovation and product innovation. Food firms should enhance their engagement with customers, suppliers, competitors, colleges, and consultants to expand their knowledge base. They also improve their absorptive ability, enabling them to introduce solutions that meet customer needs in a more competitive landscape.
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    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Revisión sistemática de literatura del concepto “organización criminal” mediante el modelo PRISMA
    (Policía Nacional de Colombia, 2024-04-19) Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo; Flórez Alata, Hugo G.
    The growth in the number of criminal organizations and their complexity, in conceptual variety, theoretical implications and empirical challenges, have made it difficult for researchers to generate sufficient theories, studies of causes and scales that allow a categorization and explanation of their phenomena. The characterization of these organizations and the approach to their definition are complex both due to the diversity of their social impacts and the wealth of the thematic areas that address them. This study shows the research and study trends of criminal organizations by conducting a systematic literature review from 2022 and 2023, using the PRISMA method and exploring current trends in academic research and bibliographic production on the subject.
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    The intellectual structure of human resource management and digitalization research: A bibliometric-mapping analysis
    (Elsevier, 2024-07-19) Contreras, Francoise; Jauregui, Kety; Rank, Susanne
    An integrated analysis of the academic literature for comprehending and advancing in the human resource digital transformation is required. In this sense, this study aims to analyze the development, current status, and trends of the literature of human resource management research regarding its digital transformation. A total of 284 academic documents published between 2001 and 2022 in all fields of knowledge were retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. Data was analyzed through VOSViewer software and bibliometrix R-package. According to the bibliometric analyses, from 2015 digital transformation of HRM had a sustained crescent interest being more remarkable since 2020. Foundational papers, the most influential documents, journals and authors were identified. Through a bibliographic coupling analysis, we identify five current mainstreams: 1) Impact, challenges and out-comes of e-HRM, 2) e-HRM and organizational strategy, 3) Conceptualization of strategic human resource management, 4) Effectiveness of e-HRM: productivity and performance, and 5) e-HRM and innovation. Co-word analysis shows clusters oriented to 1) digital platforms, 2) data analytics and 3) organizational strategy. All the conducted analyses show that human factors have received less attention, a finding confirmed by the thematic map. “Management, strategy, information” and “antecedents, quality and economic growth” are acquiring special relevance in structuring the research field of digital HRM according to the thematic map. These findings and their implications are discussed.
  • Miniatura
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    Análisis del desempeño innovador de las empresas de servicios intensivos del conocimiento
    (CEIPA, 2024-06-25) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando
    Objective. To evaluate the relationship between information sources and absorptive capacity and how this capacity improves a company's innovative performance. Methodology. The study presents evidence based on a sample of 212 Peruvian P-ESICs and 355 T-ESICs. The research applied a structural equation model approach using the AMOS software; while the PROCESS software was used for the mediation analysis. Results. It was found that when ESICs are exposed to internal, market, institutional, and other sources of information, they are in a better position to develop innovations. However, this condition is not sufficient, since it is necessary to develop dynamic capacity (called absorptive capacity). Conclusions. This study contributes to a better understanding of the innovative behavior of ESICs in an emerging economy such as Peru, since it takes into account that emerging economies have different characteristics than more developed economies. It was also verified that absorptive capacity does not mediate the relationship between information sources and innovative performance in the two groups of ESIC companies analyzed.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Including the change in natural capital stock and environmental degradation in Peruvian mining GDP and NNP
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024-06-28) Orihuela, Carlos Enrique; Chumpitaz Añi, Victor Carlos Michel; Dávila García, José Yasser
    This study adjusts the net national product (NNP) and gross domestic product (GDP) of the Peruvian mining sector by incorporating natural capital depreciation, new discoveries, and environmental degradation during the period 1994–2018. The results suggest that NNP has been overestimated, on average, by 172 % to 210 %, which is attributed to the omission of natural depreciation. When GDP was corrected, the overestimation fluctuated between 64% and 72%. This highlights the importance of including natural capital depreciation, especially in countries whose economies are highly dependent on extractive industries, as is the case of Peru.