3. Investigación

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4065

Esta colección reúne las contribuciones de acceso abierto realizadas por los docentes e investigadores de la Universidad ESAN, publicadas en fuentes académicas externas. Los trabajos aquí incluidos abarcan una amplia gama de temas de relevancia académica y profesional, y están orientados a fortalecer el conocimiento y el impacto de la investigación en diversas disciplinas. Estos estudios están disponibles para el público en general, promoviendo la difusión y el intercambio de conocimientos en beneficio de la comunidad académica y de la sociedad.


Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 11
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación del desperdicio de alimentos: normas y acciones para fomentar la circularidad en Perú
    (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2024) Huiman Cruz, Alberto
    Population growth generates a greater demand for food, thus increasing food waste. The fight against this problem began in several countries with strict regulations managing food waste. In the case of Peru, an analysis of progress in the field is presented. The objective of the article is to analyze the management of food waste in Peru and worldwide, both in terms of regulations and current situation; for this purpose, a bibliographic review was conducted taking into account the guidelines of circularity in food. The results obtained demonstrate deficiencies in both Peruvian and global regulatory frameworks, with the exception of Europe. The increase in food waste generation was analyzed globally in households, retail establishments, and the service industry. Countries share concerns about the increase in waste and seek to align themselves with the circularity model. In the case of Peru, this implies modifying and improving regulations with the involvement of relevant stakeholders. Therefore, actions are proposed to promote circularity in food management with a sustainability vision, such as proposals for national actions and basic principles, with collaboration between industries, government, and civil society.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Brechas en la educación superior en turismo en el Perú
    (Universidad Católica Silva Hernríquez, 2014-07-07) Regalado Pezúa, Otto
    The growth of tourism in the world and in particular in Peru has made of this area an emerging productive activity with a lot of potential for development. Tourism is an economic activity which encourages foreign currency exchange as well as new employment opportunities. The objective of this article is to know whether or not there exist any gap between the formative offer in this area and the requirements of the labour market related to it. The research was conducted in two parts. The first one makes a literature review from secondary sources which found out there are limited research for the Peruvian case. The second one is an exploratory qualitative research which conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 experts from the public, private and academic sectors. The analysis and interpretation of the interviews' discourses were made from a deconstructive approach. The study concludes in Peru there is in fact a gap between higher education in tourism and the requirements of the labour market related to it.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Diagnóstico de la educación técnica en Perú: alcances para el desarrollo de programas en gestión
    (Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, 2019-07-30) Regalado-Pezúa, Otto; Toro Galeano, Manuel Leonardo
    The main objective of this article is to know the current situation of technical higher education in Peru, in particular in management programs. To do this, using secondary sources and in-depth interviews with experts, an exploratory work was carried out that consisted of analyzing from the point of view of demand, where the technical training needs that the market requires were observed; as well as, an analysis from the point of view of the offer, where the development and investment opportunities were observed, in particular of the private offer, to cover the gap of unsatisfied needs of the employers.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Responsabilidad social corporativa y reputación corporativa en el sector financiero de países en desarrollo
    (Georgetown University, 2016-04-04) Lizarzaburu, Edmnundo R.; Del Brio, Jesus
    The article proposes a theoretical model that relates corporate social responsibility and corporate reputation in order to hypothesizing influence on investor confidence by studying and usinig cases of financial firms in Peru. the case study method is used to analyze four Peruvian banks accounting for 25% of all participants of the banking system in Peru and 80% in the participation of three financial indicators: % credits, % deposits and % Patrimony. Peruvian banking companies have improved their reputation for social responsibility actions. This improved reputation has been correlated with a strengthening of the value of the company. Furthermore, analysis of each case, framed in CSR plans generates seven propositions classified in three relationships (CSR and investor confidence, CSR and corporate reputation and corporate reputation and investor confidence). In future studies, we intend to extend this analysis with large samples of Peruvian companies have developed CSR practices. The novelty of this work is twofold. The literature has analyzed the concepts of CSR and RC isolation. After a thorough review a model that relates the two concepts is proposed. Second, the model is used to hypothesize CSR and CR relationship in financial sector companies in developing countries. The research on this topic has been conducted mainly in production companies and developed countries.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El rol de las redes sociales y el empoderamiento de las mujeres en medicina
    (Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2020-03-24) Espinoza-Portilla, Elizabeth; Linares-Cabrera, Victor J.
    Today, the number of doctors and health professionals who use social networks as main venues for communication is increasing. Social networks offer new ways to connect and can facilitate almost instantaneous communication without geographical boundaries and can support students, doctors and health professionals. Social networks can allow women in the health field to obtain support that they would not otherwise have. This article describes the role of social networks in contributing to the empowerment of women in medicine and discusses the opportunities to use social networks as a tool for: access to mentoring and experienced counselors as role models; peer support and interaction; and access to information and continuing education.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Evaluación de una entidad financiera usando Camel: el caso de BBVA Perú
    (Universidad del Rosario, 2022-04-29) Lizarzaburu Bolaños, Edmundo; García-Gómez, Conrado Diego; Berggrum, Luis; Cardona, Emilio
    The present case study was aimed at analyzing the financial situation of BBVA Peru using the CAMEL methodology. Additionally, a proper valuation was carried out using Comparable Multiples and Discounted Cash Flow methods. The first was to describe the economic environment through a Top-Down methodology: region, country, financial sector, and company. The period of analysis was 2015-2019. The data analyzed belonged to production, industry, and technology. Moreover, the bank operations are presented detailing the income structure, financial products and services, politics, and corporate governance.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Viabilidad de comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje en sistemas educativos de bajo desempeño
    (Universidad de la Sabana, 2020-04-13) Morales-Inga, Sergio; Morales-Tristán, Oswaldo
    Professional learning communities (PLCs) are one of the most significant school performance strategies. Yet, most of the schools that have applied them belong to high-performance educational systems, such as those of Japan, South Korea, Finland or Singapore, leaving out the educational reality of Latin America. Through an exploratory study based on ethnographic observation and semi-structured interviews, this research links theory to practice to discuss the applicability of PLC to public schools in low-performance educational systems. In conclusion, it was found that the main components of PLCs (flexible organizational structures, distributed leadership, shared values, and collaborative school cultures) are present but precarious and do not support the implementation of the strategy.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Calidad de vida laboral, autoestima y desempeño en el trabajo de los profesionales de la administración pública y privada en el Perú
    (Centro de Investigación en Comportamiento Organizacional (Cincel), 2020) Loli Pineda, Alejandro Erasmo; Danielli, Juan; Navarro, Vladimir; Cerón, Fernando; DelCarpio, Javier; Vergara, Arturo
    The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance in a sample of 447 professionals of different specialties who work in public and private organizations in Perú and who were studying postgraduate studies (second specialty, master's and doctorate programs) in several universities, to whom three reliable and valid instruments were applied. The results showed a high level of quality of work life, self-esteem and high performance, decreasing this percentage to a moderate level and then to the low level. On the other hand, there is a significant and positive correlation between quality of work life, self-esteem and job performance, allowing to deduce that the higher the quality of working life, the level of self-esteem improves and as a consequence there is a job performance improvement. The analysis of the quality of working life, self-esteem and job performance to determine the differences when intervening the socio-demographic variables, allowed to find that there are only differences in the quality of working life when the remuneration intervenes, the place of origin, the job seniority and the years of service in the organization. While we find differences in self-esteem when only years of service in the organization intervene. When job performance is analyzed, none of the socio-demographic variables have an effect, the behavior is homogeneous.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    El contrato psicológico, el desempeño y la satisfacción en empleados de organizaciones públicas y privadas de Lima
    (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos,.Facultad de Psicología, 2017-08-18) Loli, Alejandro; Navarro, Vladimir; Del Carpio, Javier; Vergara, Arturo; Castillo, Diana; Espinoza, Alejandro; Borja, Ofelia
    Theorists and researchers have agreed that the psychological contract is a process that refers to reciprocal and implicit obligations between the employee and the employer, and goes beyond explicit and / or formal contracts. This situation, which remained stable before the 1990s, is becoming more important in the present times, due to sudden changes in the modality of jobs in the current organizations. For that reason, the objective of the present study is to know the current state of the psychological contract and its relationship with performance and satisfaction in 303 employees of the public and private sector of Lima. The results show that there is a significant and positive correlation between psychological contract, performance and satisfaction. In the meantime, there are differences between the obligations of the organization according to whether public or private, impacting more on private organizations; happening in the same way with job satisfaction. Similar differences were found among study variables according to gender, marital status, occupational status, wages and place of residence; however the results are different when variables such as age, years of service in the position and seniority in the organization are analyzed.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Propensión a la innovación tecnológica de las empresas manufactureras peruanas que no desarrollan actividades de Investigación y Desarrollo (I&D)
    (Universidad del Rosario, 2019-07-12) Del Carpio Gallegos, Javier Fernando; Miralles, Francesc
    More emphasis should be given to companies that do not carry out research and development activities. In this regard, this research has set as objectives to analyze the relationship between non-technological innovations and technological innovations; the second objective, analyze how activities not related to investment in research and development, allow the development of technological innovations; The third objective is focused on analyzing how external knowledge sources are associated with technological innovations in low and medium technological intensity companies (L&LMT) Based on a sample of 834 Peruvian L&LMT manufacturing companies, and through the implementation of a logistic regression model PROBIT the hypothesis were analyzed, it was confirmed that non-technological innovations influence technological innovations, that many activities such as the acquisition of machinery favor the propensity in technological innovations, concluding that L&LMT companies should encourage those activities not necessarily linked to research and development to make technological innovations.