3. Investigación

URI permanente para esta comunidadhttps://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12640/4065

Esta colección reúne las contribuciones de acceso abierto realizadas por los docentes e investigadores de la Universidad ESAN, publicadas en fuentes académicas externas. Los trabajos aquí incluidos abarcan una amplia gama de temas de relevancia académica y profesional, y están orientados a fortalecer el conocimiento y el impacto de la investigación en diversas disciplinas. Estos estudios están disponibles para el público en general, promoviendo la difusión y el intercambio de conocimientos en beneficio de la comunidad académica y de la sociedad.


Resultados de la búsqueda

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  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Validación del autoconcepto Forma 5 en universitarios peruanos: una herramienta para la psicología positiva
    (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Curso de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia, 2015-10-01) Bustos, Varinia; Oliver, Amparo; Galiana, Laura
    Self-concept, although central to traditional psychology, has recently gained importance in the context of positive psychology. The Self-concept Form 5 (AF5) is one of the most used measures when it comes to the Spanish speaking context. However, there are no studies on its psychometric properties going beyond reliability in Peruvian populations. The aim is to present the psychometric properties of the AF5 multidimensional scale in Peruvian university students. A sample of 527 university students was recruited. The survey included, besides the AF5, measures of dispositional hope and life satisfaction. A confirmatory factor analysis was implemented, with adequate results, c2(395) = 1484.46, p < .01, CFI = .93, RMSEA = .07. Cronbach's alphas were also calculated (ranging from .73 to .82), as well as item reliability indicators. Finally, self-concept dimensions were correlated with hope and life satisfaction, and all of them showed to be positive and statistically significant. Results offer evidence of appropriate psychometric properties of the AF5 in Peruvian undergraduates, allowing future research in this context to deepen into the new picture that has drawn positive psychology into traditional psychology.