Escuela de negocios

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Resultados de la búsqueda

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  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Modelo de negocio para agilizar las compras dentro de ferias y conciertos en Lima Metropolitana: caso Easy Ranty
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020) Bertolotti Acosta, Angelo Gianfranco; Campos Huapaya, Elizabeth Juana; Mora Espinal, Petter Phil; Pari Tapia, Brian Bernabe
    El servicio de compras online dentro de ferias y conciertos “Easy Ranty”, se encuentra orientado a mejorar la experiencia de compra de los consumidores durante su estadía en un evento; esto apoyándose en la tecnología para brindar rapidez y seguridad durante el proceso de compra. Esta solución se encontrará disponible como una aplicación web progresiva compatible con Android y IOS, por lo que se entiende que el uso será a través de dispositivos móviles. La aplicación web progresiva contará con un interfaz dedicado al consumidor y otra interfaz especializada para el concesionario ubicado dentro de ferias y conciertos. El consumidor podrá acceder a las siguientes funcionalidades: Compra online, extorno de dinero, catálogo de productos, notificación de entrega de pedidos, mapa de los concesionarios dentro de ferias y conciertos. El concesionario podrá acceder a las siguientes funcionalidades: Listado de despachos pendientes, canje de productos, relación de transacciones realizadas. El principal interés es incrementar el nivel de satisfacción de los consumidores dentro de ferias y conciertos, agilizando su proceso de compra e incrementar las ventas de los concesionarios.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    (Universidad ESAN, 2018) Idarraga Vanegas, Andrea
    FamiKiddo is a mobile application and website that allows users to do an efficient and time-saving research on activities for children and families in the city. It is a platform that brings all relevant and up-to-date information together in one place. With more than 280.000 potential users, the platform will be available in the fastest growing capital in Europe which is Stockholm, with possibility of expansion nationally in the third year and internationally in the fifth year of operations. The company is owned by five young entrepreneurs, we all with post-graduate titles, who decided to work extra hours and develop their dream of initiating a project that can integrate families and immigrates while promoting activities and boost the commerce in the city. Already we have over 40 companies who want to publish in our platform and plan to aggressively build our client base through website, social media, leaflets on cars, different parks, museums, concerts, direct mail advertising and opening events. Based on the size of the market and the defined market area, the revenue projections for the first year are € 19.703. And the demand is projected to growth at a rate of 20% the second year, and 80% the third year due to the national expansion. We are seeking an operating line of €150.000 to finance our first-year growth. The EU startup services and the Swedish government will finance the project and FamiKiddo will obtain the break-even point between the third and fourth year. The management team is confident that FamiKiddo will be successful, thanks to the positive financial analysis assumptions and their great combination of backgrounds, that will lead to an exciting and well develop project.