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Ítem Restringido Holistic evaluation of the current situation of an organic banana exporter medium-size Peruvian company: What alternatives does Anpro have to remain competitive in the sector and profitable to shareholders?(Universidad ESAN, 2023) Campos Scattolon, Diego EnriqueI used a two-stage methodology. Firstly, I analyzed the current situation of the company, including its operations, profitability, and how other companies in the banana sector are functioning. This helped me gain a better understanding of the company. In the second stage, I applied Design Thinking to establish new strategic targets based on the attributes that were important to the stakeholders. These targets aimed to maintain the company's profitability and sustainability. In the initial stage, it has been observed the lack of strategic planning based on customers' and farmers' preferences, absence of cost analysis, no cash flow projections, and insufficient management in Piura. Following the second stage, after analyzing the feedback from stakeholders during interviews, nine strategic recommendations have been proposed. These include auditing inventories, implementing backward vertical integration, restructuring short-term liabilities to long-term, hiring a new production manager, developing key performance indicators, creating a loyalty program with farmers, investing in live reports using ERP (SAP), diversifying the customer base, and investing in tractors/trucks. Based on the available evidence, it appears that ANPRO has the ability to thrive as a successful and enduring business. The product is in demand, customers are showing interest, and farmers have placed their trust in ANPRO. However, in addition to making internal changes, the company must urgently seek out a finangcial institution willing to provide sustainable, long-term funding, as well as consider recommendations for reprofiling and backward vertical integration.Ítem Restringido Self-efficacy of the Mexican millennial generation: an investigation on training programs in Mexico, business plan(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Mercado Santana, Ana IsadoraIn recent years, the millennial generation has increased its participation within organizations worldwide, including the one from Mexico and soon it will become the largest generation it the workplace. Therefore, focusing resources aimed at empowering this generation becomes indispensable if organizations aim to succeed in this competitive and global era. One of the factors that increases the performance of a person at the workplace is the self-efficacy. The purpose of this research is to examine the positive and significant impact of different variables on the Mexican millennial employees’ self-efficacy. Three variables were examined, training programs for Mexican millennial employees based on their own needs and attitude towards lifelong learning as independent variables and Mexican millennial employees’ self-efficacy as a dependent variable. For this purpose, data was collected from two hundred fifty-seven Mexican millennials that are currently working in a private or public organization in Mexico through questionnaires. Data from target respondents was analyzed in the form of reliability analysis. Correlation and hierarchical multiple regression were applied to find the impact of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Findings of this research reveal that training programs for Mexican millennial employees based on their own needs and attitude towards lifelong learning have both a positive and significant impact on Mexican millennial employees’self-efficacy.Ítem Acceso Abierto Educational administration : Critical and moderate pitfalls and their negative impacts on school effectiveness - the case of the Salesian schools network in Peru(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Peña Juárez, Luis ArmandoThe purpose of this research is to determine the critical and moderate pitfalls in the educational administration system of the Salesian Schools Network in Peru and their impact on school effectiveness. Methodologically, this study moves through a nonexperimental, transversal, correlational design, which counted on the information obtained from students, teachers, school authorities, and official documents through the application of surveys, interviews, and content analysis. The investigation found that there are nine critical and four moderate pitfalls in the administration system of this organization, specifically in environmental factors, internal elements of the school system, and feedback mechanisms. It was determined that the negative impacts on the levels of school effectiveness were very high to high due to the said pitfalls.Ítem Restringido Applying technology to improve the public health service in Peru(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Rodríguez Diez, Oscar EduardoThe objective of the business plan is to show the opportunities between a private company and public institution by bringing to the market a never-seen-before Triple Focused Value Proposition, in which two main focuses are taken into consideration: PROFIT + SOCIAL.Ítem Restringido Applicability of ERM 2017 framework in the definition of family businesses strategies and risk assessment(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Beltrán Sussoni, Alexandra LuzmilaThe present study will, first of all, determine what constitutes a family business and evaluate if COSO’s new proposal is useful for this type of companies. It will review the different frameworks published by COSO, as a theoretical review and explain the need to stay current with the demands of different organization. The hypothesis is that indeed the latest framework can be applied to family businesses, considering all the its issues and be a source of guidance.Ítem Restringido Easybrewers business plan(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Aller De Las Casas, Gonzalo Felipe; Ortiz Calvo, Rafael EnriqueOur path to acquiring customers while building a community around our brand initiates with creating a true home brewing experience. Educating our customers and potential users through engaging and relevant content-based marketing is the most efficient path to creating value and capturing the attention of our target market as the referential home brewing solution. Easy Brewers is therefore focused on repeatedly providing a growing base of customers initially via the sales of our turnkey brew kit and subsequently with a subscription-based product offer with our rechargeable beer ingredient packs. The latter component of our product offering serving as the reinforcing and experiential portion in the brewing journey. Reaching and enabling our community via online e-commerce is the main channel to access our target customers and simultaneously our retail and craft beer community presence will add to our strategic goals. The combination of both our online and offline interactions with our customers will act as a tool to increase engagement with the specific goal of maintaining a solid rate of retention within our customer base.Ítem Restringido Marketing strategy report(Universidad ESAN, 2018) Cheel Trujillo, Sandra ConyluEl documento es un Reporte de Marketing realizado para la empresa Zibtek LLC. La empresa pertenece a la industria de Software y su oficina principal se encuentra ubicada en Utah – Estados Unidos. Para analizar la industria se realizó un focus group de 7 participantes, relacionados con el sector de Software, del cual se obtuvieron diferentes insights y sugerencias para definir recomendaciones para la empresa Zibtek. Estas recomendaciones se enfocan en incrementar su portafolio de clientes a través del marketing digital, es decir la promoción a través de sus redes sociales y el mensaje que transmiten a los clientes potenciales a través de su website. Además, se incluye la evaluación de precios, evaluación de la competencia, evaluación del actual modelo de recursos (Offshoring) y se da a conocer las nuevas tendencias de servicios que se proyectan con crecimiento en el mercado durante los próximos años. Con el análisis realizado, se brindan diferentes estrategias para que la empresa pueda incrementar su número de clientes y ganar reconocimiento en el mercado.Ítem Acceso Abierto Sustainability in the food & beverage industry : a comparison between Coca Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestle(Universidad ESAN, 2017) Huerta Camones, Elías FélixThe implementation of social responsibility actions by companies is growing. Also, there is a growing need to inform the stakeholders about the progress achieved by these actions. However, despite the increase in the number of companies that report their social responsibility, these reports are not complete, that is, not all the required indicators are reported. It is for this reason that this research has focused on discovering how completely companies are reporting their progress in social responsibility in accordance with the standard established by the Global Reporting Initiative. The analysis was carried out through a documentary analysis of the reports of the three most well-known firms in the beverage and food industry. The result obtained was that companies are only complying with reporting fifty-one percent of the indicators. Likewise, it was found that there are significant differences between the number of indicators reported by the different companies.Ítem Acceso Abierto Business Intelligence in Non-Governmental Organisations in Barbados(Universidad ESAN, 2016) Caddle, KatharineThe twenty-first century is witness to data exchange at alarming quantities and rates along with a variety of data types from multiple sources. This situation is coupled with an everincreasing connectivity of devices and of the people who use them. Business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) concepts have arisen as ways of exploiting this plethora of data to extract insights thus improving and accelerating decision-making in a number companies. However, such decision support systems have traditionally been utilised by profit-focused commercial entities with limited regard for how BI&A can benefit the non-governmental sector. This study addresses the previous dearth of research related to intelligence and analytics adoption by non-governmental organisations (NGOs). We identify the main data management needs of NGOs and juxtapose those requirements with the features of BI&A. Barbados is used as a case study with investigation of the current data management practices and attitudes within some societal development non-governmental organisations of that Small Island Developing State.Ítem Acceso Abierto Assessment of the financial impact of producing genetically modified corn in Peru(Universidad ESAN, 2016) Zhu, MinGenetically modified organisms (GMOs) is “any organism (i.e. animal, plant, or microorganism) whose genetic sequence has been altered using modern biotechnology. Genetically modified (GM) crops are created by modifying a specific gene or genes in a plant in order to produce a desirable trait. Biotech GM crops have been grown commercially around the world. The main commercialized crops include soybean, cotton, corn, rice, potato, and many varieties of the fruit products. In this thesis, GM corn was chosen as the research topic for the following reasons: 1) corn is one of the main grains consumed in Peru; 2) corn has major impact in the bilateral trade between the United States and Peru; 3) a high demand for imported GM corn in Peru due to the high demand from the poultry and pork industry in the recent years; 3) the availability of the existing biotechnology of GM corn globally.
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