Escuela de negocios

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Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
  • Miniatura
    Holistic evaluation of the current situation of an organic banana exporter medium-size Peruvian company: What alternatives does Anpro have to remain competitive in the sector and profitable to shareholders?
    (Universidad ESAN, 2023) Campos Scattolon, Diego Enrique
    I used a two-stage methodology. Firstly, I analyzed the current situation of the company, including its operations, profitability, and how other companies in the banana sector are functioning. This helped me gain a better understanding of the company. In the second stage, I applied Design Thinking to establish new strategic targets based on the attributes that were important to the stakeholders. These targets aimed to maintain the company's profitability and sustainability. In the initial stage, it has been observed the lack of strategic planning based on customers' and farmers' preferences, absence of cost analysis, no cash flow projections, and insufficient management in Piura. Following the second stage, after analyzing the feedback from stakeholders during interviews, nine strategic recommendations have been proposed. These include auditing inventories, implementing backward vertical integration, restructuring short-term liabilities to long-term, hiring a new production manager, developing key performance indicators, creating a loyalty program with farmers, investing in live reports using ERP (SAP), diversifying the customer base, and investing in tractors/trucks. Based on the available evidence, it appears that ANPRO has the ability to thrive as a successful and enduring business. The product is in demand, customers are showing interest, and farmers have placed their trust in ANPRO. However, in addition to making internal changes, the company must urgently seek out a finangcial institution willing to provide sustainable, long-term funding, as well as consider recommendations for reprofiling and backward vertical integration.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Operations proposal plan prepared for Irving – Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce Innovation Awards
    (Universidad ESAN, 2022) Absi Chávez, Mariagraciela Karina; Villavicencio Mendoza, Diego Antonio
    Este proyecto fue proporcionado por la Universidad de Dallas como presentación final del curso de último semestre “Capstone Venture”. Junto con un grupo de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades, fuimos asignados a cooperar con la Cámara de Comercio de Irving para prepara. Esta competencia es organizada por la Cámara de Comercio de Irving desde 2010. Estos premios están actualmente abiertos a todos los estudiantes de Irving High School, apoyan el espíritu empresarial a través de la innovación, la creatividad y las invenciones con un premio mayor de $ 10,000.00 recaudados por el patrocinio de asociaciones de la comunidad de Irving. Este proyecto fue finalmente presentado cumpliendo con las expectativas de Dexter J. Freeman II, MBA, ION vicepresidente de Operaciones y Administración Greater Irving – Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Financial analysis through ratios in a peruvian SME after the implementation of a strategic planning
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020) Torres Gutierrez, Josselyn Lizbeth; Zanabria Kou, Patricia Fiorella
    En la actualidad, debido a los constantes cambios en el mundo a lo largo del tiempo, las empresas se ven obligadas a realizar cambios como innovar su modelo de negocio, modificar sus estrategias o ejecutar diferentes acciones de negocio para adaptarse a los cambios. Este es el caso de la empresa “Repuestos Miguelitos” S.A.C., con más de 7 años de experiencia en el sector automotriz dedicada a la venta de repuestos, accesorios y autopartes de automóviles dentro de la ciudad de Trujillo-Perú. En 2017, la empresa tomó la decisión de llevar a cabo la implementación de la planificación estratégica, con el fin de mejorar su competitividad, gestión empresarial y tener un mayor alcance a su público objetivo. Sin embargo, sus índices de desempeño financiero aún no han sido evaluados y se desconocen los resultados derivados de la implementación de esta planificación estratégica en la empresa. Tomando esto en consideración, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar financieramente los años 2017 y 2018, períodos correspondientes al antes y después de la implementación de la planificación estratégica. Los resultados obtenidos mostrarán el comportamiento de los ratios financieros de liquidez, rotación, apalancamiento financiero y rentabilidad de la empresa.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    Business plan : EasyRent, a smooth peer-to-peer virtual platform to lend and/or borrow articles
    (Universidad ESAN, 2017) Monares Floriano, Estefanía; Napolitano, Léa
    The following business plan evaluates the viability of developing virtual platform, website and mobile application that will allow people to share their belongings with their friends and neighbors, in Mexico. The platform is named EasyRent. The service will provide a simple solution to people who are willing to lend or borrow articles in their neighborhood. On the other hand, the idea is to promote a new way of getting access to experiences, to earn and save money and resources; by sharing, instead of purchasing. Also, as a connector between lenders and borrowers, EasyRent facilitates and encourages trustable social rapprochement providing local solutions.
  • Miniatura
    ÍtemAcceso Abierto
    La Parisienne - Hair Bar
    (Universidad ESAN, 2015) Burel, Adrien; Cassam Chenai, Pauiline; Delpeut, Léa; Michalon, Lenny; Prodhomme, Alan
    The question raised through the business plan is on the viability of opening such a conceptual hair salon in Lima, Peru. This business plan evaluates the potential for financial success of the expanding the concept of “Hair Bar” to the Peruvian environment. Since their first creation in 2008 “Hair bars” have gained tremendous success in North America and in Europe. In terms of offer, these conceptual hair salons respond to a new need of women, who have busier and busier lives, for a “get ready” hair service. The business to be implemented to bring the “hair bar concept” to Peru is called La Parisienne. It is a specialized hair salon that exclusively delivers two types of hair styling services: buns and brushings. The idea behind La Parisienne is to deliver a premium service in order to gain customer loyalty, while charging at a high price that permits the financial viability of the salon. The objectives are thus to first assess the readiness of the Peruvian population to receive the concept and adopt it. Doing so corresponds to answering the following questions: “Are Peruvian consumers attracted to such a concept? Will they adopt it?” The objective is then to determine at what price these consumers would most likely consume this new service most regularly. The objective is then to determine an optimal price between costs and forecasted demand.