Corporate social responsibility review

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This research paper represents a literature review of corporate social responsibility (CSR), as it has evolved and their use and impact in several countries. As a consequence of competitive markets, several entities must endeavor to reveal a picture of themselves as highly socially responsible enterprises. The increment in academic and practitioner interest in “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has led the development of a set of definitions regarding the concept and their application” (Jamali and Mirshak 2007). The term is not a new concept (Taneja, Taneja and Gupta, 2011) it was developed since 1950´s. Nowadays, several literature presents substantial evidence that CSR activities can play a significant role in enhancing a firm’s value (Mahfuja, 2013). In this scenario, the following paper examines the broad progress of the ideas behind the concept though its origins and evolution in a country focus approach, practices implementation and literature available from different authors over the time. Also, we outline a set of core elements that many scholars associate this term with and finally we develop a special focus towards the stakeholders approach among all theories available on this matter.
Corporate social responsibility, Stakeholder approach, Responsabilidad social corporativa, Corporate social performance, Enfoque de stakeholders, Desempeño social corporativo, Corporate citizenship, Ciudadanía corporativa
Lizarzaburu, E. R., & del Brío, J. (2015). Corporate social responsibility review. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1-6), 712-723.