Trabajos de investigación

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    Optimizing User Experience in Smoothie King’s App: A Capstone Consulting Project
    (Universidad ESAN, 2024) Fernandez Montalvo, Ricardo Steveen
    Smoothie King is currently enhancing its existing app to better cater to customer needs and desires. One of the improvements underway is the ability to shift payment options within the app to pre-loaded funds, aiming to streamline payment management for customers. To help with this task, the company seeks a better understanding of how its customers currently use and engage with the Smoothie King app. This requires an integrative look at the app experience, which includes ordering and payment preferences, primary reasons customers use the app, as well as feedback and suggestions for app improvements. A deeper look into the data and coupling it with the demographic responses was useful in understanding why customers preferred certain ordering and payment options. Smoothie King’s customers' willingness to provide feedback and suggestions for app improvements is invaluable. Our research is timely, as we saw in an article by QSRWeb; it identified restaurant app use rising, but the apps must be intuitive and make it easy to order and pay (QSRWeb, 2021). We found these suggestions to be in alignment with our survey, specifically by the answers to the open-ended questions. Our team has put together extensive research contained within this report. We have selected our top recommendations for Smoothie King to increase customer ordering and use of their Smoothie King app here: • Customers frequently emphasize the need for updates. suggestions have included incorporated the Apple payment option to the app, enabling the option to toggle rewards or discounts directly on the checkout payment screen, and the ability to save multiple payment methods within the app, like other food apps as Uber Eats. • Respondents mentioned throughout the entire survey needed to improvement key areas, which include enhancing navigation for the menu, rewards, and accounts sections; addressing lagging issues inside the app, fix the feature for adding past orders which currently doesn’t not display previous orders, and implementing personalized recommendations based on past purchases. • A large portion of customer feedback within the survey concerned on the incentive and rewards programs. Our recommendation is to consider a more robust and inclusive rewards program. For example, change the birthday smoothie to free for all rewards members, more points for ordering and paying within the app. There is a group of individuals who are not active or inactive. While this population is relatively small, shifting this group of people back to active status would bring the active status user group to approximately 80%. • Customer feedback indicated over half of respondents would be willing to use the preloaded funds payment option if there was more benefit to them. Feedback further indicated incentives to be the top reason they would consider using this payment option. To increase use of the preloaded funds option consider using incentives such as allowing customers to work towards earning a free smoothie. Customers earn a 25% discount for every three smoothies ordered. They can save discounts or use them on any order. Customers would need to purchase twelve smoothies to earn a free one.
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    Business Plan: Kallpa Station
    (Universidad ESAN, 2024) Garcia Blasquez, Lahud Carlos; Sarmiento Lopez, Andres Felipe
    Este plan de negocio titulado Kallpa Station, propone la implementación de un nuevo modelo de negocio de estación de servicio en Perú, con miras a mejorar su sostenibilidad frente a los nuevos retos y tendencias del mercado. La lucha en contra del calentamiento global ha generado la introducción de la industria de los vehículos eléctricos y el desarrollo de sistemas de producción de energías renovables, entre otros. A su vez, el covid-19 ha planteado el reto de implementar soluciones de servicio in situ que reduzcan el riesgo de contagio entre las personas involucradas. De esta forma se conduce un estudio de viabilidad y factibilidad del mercado, derivando en la propuesta de valor de una estación de servicio abastecida parcialmente con energía solar, en donde los usuarios podrán, de forma autónoma, recargar sus vehículos particulares tradicionales y eléctricos, así como alimentarse bien y abastecerse con productos premium en el c-store y lounge VIP, haciendo de sus visitas un momento productivo del día. Esta estación estaría ubicada en la costa verde de Lima, Perú, en una estación de servicio que sería adaptada y con cuyos dueños se haría una sociedad para el desarrollo de este proyecto, que prueba ser económicamente viable.
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    From siloed to synergistic: transforming the sales function at Redsis
    (Universidad ESAN, 2024) Del Aguila Medina, Claudia Sofia
    Redsis es una empresa líder en tecnología de la información (TI) que ofrece soluciones tecnológicas innovadoras adaptadas a diversas industrias. La industria de TI es vital para las empresas hoy en día, ayudándolas a navegar la transformación digital y la integración tecnológica. Este sector incluye servicios como integración de sistemas, computación en la nube y consultoría estratégica de TI. El crecimiento de la industria ha sido impulsado por las inversiones de las empresas en iniciativas digitales para mantenerse competitivas, especialmente en áreas como la computación en la nube, la inteligencia artificial y el análisis de datos. A pesar del crecimiento de Redsis, la empresa enfrenta desafíos en su departamento de ventas. Un problema importante es la falta de alineación en los mensajes del equipo de ventas, lo que lleva a inconsistencias en la marca y la comunicación. Los diferentes miembros del equipo entregan mensajes variados que se desvían del contenido estándar de la marca y del sitio web de la empresa. Además, el equipo tiene dificultades para comunicar eficazmente los beneficios complejos de los productos de Redsis, lo que dificulta diferenciarlos en un mercado competitivo. Para superar estos desafíos, Redsis necesita implementar iniciativas estratégicas en su departamento de ventas. Al unificar sus mensajes y mejorar la comunicación de los beneficios únicos de sus productos, Redsis puede fortalecer su posición en el mercado, destacar eficazmente su propuesta de valor y continuar logrando un crecimiento sostenible.
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    Bisnistec, 2023: rescuing education in Perú
    (Universidad ESAN, 2024) Villanueva Quinteros, Lenin Angelo
    El presente trabajo de investigación pretende ser un apoyo al aprendizaje de temas relacionados con la gestión del marketing digital, haciendo uso del enfoque basado en casos. Este trabajo describe y adapta con fines educativos, la historia real de Bisnistec EIRL, una joven empresa que inició operaciones en Lima como un instituto de formación educativa tradicional, que con el paso de los años viró hacia un modelo de negocio de startup social digital en el sector educativo. Además, el presente trabajo de investigación formula una lista de preguntas en la sección de notas informativas que pretenden cubrir los siguientes cuatro objetivos: (1) comprender la situación actual de Bisnistec, (2) explorar los intereses y la influencia de las partes interesadas, (3) analizar los pros y los contras de cada posible estrategia de lanzamiento (4) aplicar criterios y lógica empresarial para desarrollar una mejor estrategia de “salida al mercado” para la empresa. Nuestros lectores pueden utilizar estas preguntas para aplicar conceptos y marcos de gestión como: FODA, matriz de partes interesadas, lista de pros y contras, cuadrícula ERRC, 9 digitales delicias y más.
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    Drivers to implement a chatbot as a new channel for customer service in Peruvian financial entities
    (Universidad ESAN, 2022) Yshikawa Kobayashi, Tatiana Lucía
    Adopting chatbots as an additional user service channel in companies has been an essential source of savings in companies, and its adoption has increased at least during the last ten years. In addition, due to the leading global restriction of avoiding human contact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, industries accelerated the launching of projects associated with digitization. In Peru, the banking sector also emphasized this channel, mainly because of a digital transformation trend. Customer Service was restricted to a reduction of at least 50% of the capacity in the agencies and reduced opening hours. On the other hand, in the insurance sector, the demand for consultations increased due to the medical assistance cases to be attended. In short, the call center channel was more saturated than in average levels of service. However, except for this atypical period, the users prefer to avoid using this channel, even though financial entities continue to bet on it. This research will identify the main drivers for implementing a chatbot, starting with some surveys of financial institution users in the Peruvian market to support their level of satisfaction with the use of the tool. Then, through interviews with experts, different selection and grouping methods may be used to arrive at a final classification.
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    Strategy field study report
    (Universidad ESAN, 2022) Krefft Braedt, Dieter Sebastian
    Brightmark needs to decide how to grow their annual revenue to $5 million while maintaining a profit margin of 20% in the next 3-4 years. However, it must solve the mismatch between aspirational client size & current capabilities, the influence of Salesforce AE at the top of the sales funnel and the underutilized training vertical, among others. Based on the conducted analysis, it will be difficult to achieve this growth organically. Hence, Brightmark should position itself to be acquired by a potential suitor in the next 3 years. As the valuation in this industry is primarily based on Revenue Multiple, it is pertinent for Brightmark to work on increasing its top line in this period. Therefore, Brightmark should serve small and medium sized businesses in the BFSI industry, invest in Omnichannel Marketing activities and partner with B2B lead generation agency to reduce their dependence on Salesforce AEs. Additionally, they should use their training vertical to generate more revenue. Implementing these recommendations, it is estimated that Brightmark will earn more than $3 million revenue and negotiate for a higher revenue multiple.
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    Purchasing food becomes omnichannel: understanding food shopper segments and lifestyles
    (Universidad ESAN, 2020) Gamero Jorge, Christian Anthony
    Global consumption trends and technological disruption is creating the path towards an omnichannel approach in food B2C selling. Food companies have seen an unprecedented evolution in this context, that is challenging their marketing strategies. This thesis tackles this problem by developing a segmentation study in France, employing Latent Class Analysis, based on the use of multiple touchpoints across the food purchase process, aiming to identify customer profiles, channel allocation, and psychographic characteristics related to food consumption. Three segments were identified: Early Omnichannel Adopters, Curious Conservatives, and Uninterested Traditional shoppers. The findings reveal key differences in their adoption of online and mobile touchpoints across the purchase stages, in their expertise purchasing food online, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in channel allocation. A Multinomial logistic regression was then performed to determine psychodemographic differences between the segments and allowing to characterize their food-related lifestyles. The insights developed in this research confirms the utility of LCA analysis to segment customers considering different food purchase phases and multiple touchpoints, using the most recent programming language software, and integrating specific covariates relevant to food shoppers. Food marketers can find valuable to implement a similar approach to reinvent strategies.
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    What are the cultural challenges that Risk Management Professionals face when working in Latin American companies with an implemented risk management framework?
    (Universidad ESAN, 2021) Vélez Revilla, Abraham Jishar
    While organizations are concerned about threats and uncertainty in their business objectives and goals; risks also represent rewards and opportunities. Risk attitudes are determined on individual, familiar, social, and corporate beliefs which are inherent, in the nature of the business and organizational culture that influ-ence risk management effectiveness. Risk management varies depending on the region where it is implemented, different variables come on stage as well as local laws and regulations. Companies face several challenges when it comes into aligning local poli-cies versus corporate guidelines. Employees from all levels must participate actively to learn and apply risk methodolo-gies and frameworks. Their success is not determined by either the type implemented nor the interactions among several departments, but by the level of maturity of the re-sources and tools in place. Latin America represents a singular case of analysis as its socio-economic reality in-fluences in the performance of international risk management practices and standards. This region also faces the challenges of making organizations aware of risk manage-ment practices to be less vulnerable and more profitable. Cultural behaviors within a country impact on the performance and acceptance of risk management practices in organizations established in Latin America. In this paper we will also discuss how Latin culture defines the tone of risk management best practices and outcomes within transnational companies which operate under different risk management frameworks.
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    Establishing regulatory sandboxes for FinTech companies in the European Union to foster the development of the FinTech Sector – an analysis
    (Universidad ESAN, 2021) Engelhardt, Linus
    This paper aims to find an answer to the question whether and to what extent the concept of a Regulatory Sandbox for FinTech companies should be applied at the supranational level of the European Union. In several steps the term "FinTech" will be narrowed down and its effects on the global financial sector analyzed. Afterwards, the three most common regulatory approaches are presented, whereby the Regulatory Sandbox is described in more detail using the sandbox of the Financial Conduct Authority from the United Kingdom as an example. Finally, the relevant regulatory authorities in the EU are discussed. The results make clear that the economic importance of FinTechs is increasing significantly. Considering the fact that FinTechs from Great Britain account for almost three quarters of the total market volume, it is still clear that the EU must become much more attractive in the face of the coming Brexit in order not to lose ground globally. One way to do so is to provide regulatory certainty. A regulatory sandbox is suitable for this purpose, as it reduces uncertainty for companies and makes them more attractive for investors. Regulators also benefit from receiving direct feedback on their regulatory framework and being able to adapt and develop it accordingly. It is proposed that in the run-up to a joint European sandbox, interested National States establish their own national sandboxes, whereby all of them should decide slightly differently on both the structure and the objectives. Based on the experiences of the National States, it is up to the competent authorities in the EU to prepare a supranational sandbox. When implementing the establishment of such sandbox, clear coordination and responsibility of the actors as well as the assumed demand and potential problems have to be considered carefully.
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    A financial approach to fight climate change: using green bonds to fund sustainable investments
    (Universidad ESAN, 2021) Schwab, Melanie Caroline
    The present thesis deals with the research topic of how green bonds can be used to fund sustainable investments that fight climate change. A key focus lies on how the green bond market can possibly be improved in order to raise more funds and allow a better response to climate change. This thesis uses a literature research approach. This is done by looking at the issue of climate change and the policies and actions to fight it, first. Afterwards, the topic of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments is treated with a particular focus on environmental investments and the types of financial assets, through which an investment can be made. Green bonds are the key subject of this work. Accordingly, their current situation is addressed by analyzing the variety of existing definitions, the market evolution, characteristics and types of green bonds, and their cost of capital. Attention is paid towards the main actors in the market, their role and what can be done by each type of actor to develop the market of green bonds. Additionally, some recent examples from the global market and the real performance of green bonds in the past years are discussed. Concluding the most important findings of this work, the major challenges identified in the global green bond market are the following ones: the missing definition and standards, the on average lower return than on conventional bonds, and the fact that green bonds are not focused on investments in the countries most affected by climate change where urgent adaptation measures are required. To overcome these challenges, it is recommended to establish obligatory standards for green bonds in order to provide security for issuers and investors. The standardization of the market could also provide the opportunity to develop their market in those countries where action is needed most urgently. It is further recommended for issuers and intermediaries to better address the preferences of certain types of investors and direct green bonds towards risk-averse and responsible investors.